
Mommie Dearest Analysis

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Mommie Dearest was a biography by Christina Crawford. In the book and movie, it talked and showed the abuse that she endured through her childhood. Joan Crawford was the adopted mother to Christina and other children who were adopted. During the time of Christina living with her mother, in that time she noticed Joan suffered from various psychosocial factors. Those factors affected Joan’s ability to have a meaningful relationship with other people. Most of everything that we see in the movie is based off of what Christina has experienced while she was living with her mother. Although the scenes that you see in the movie are actual disorders that Joan had you also have to remember that the media and films can justify truths or can bend it in negative and positive ways. The movie started with a single divorced Joan Crawford. As Joan went thorough her life she always thought that something was missing. So, she then started on the trek to get a child through adoption. This is how she got Christina, and then Christopher. From Christina's accounts from living with her, Joan did not just suffer from psychological and psychosocial problems she also drank to excess. When she did drink her disorders were worse than before she started to drink. All the stress that is put on her, impairing her ability to develop valuable functional relationships with those around her. Which lead to the unending failed relationships Joan had. Christina met them all and called all of the men that came

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