
Monster Culture Cohen Summary

Good Essays

To start off, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen who wrote Monster Culture is Professor of English and Director of the Medieval and Early Modern Studies Institute at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. He is known for researching strange mysterious things that connect to an imaginative mind. He finds interested in monsters, foreigners, queers, inhuman forces. In Jeffrey Cohen’s essay Monster Culture Cohen discusses and effectively covers important reasons on how monsters connect with the cultures from which they rise from. I believe that Cohen’s theories are valid and that monsters are a good window into a certain culture. Importantly, Cohen’s main argument is that monsters are central, he chooses to solve in his paragraphs if monsters are even real after all. Also, his monster theory launches a counter-argument, he pushes his readers to either believe in the monster theory or not. The reader would have to choose whether monsters exist and whether to believe or ignore Cohen’s argument. Cohen’s ideas on monsters are also put together so that the readers can focus on whether or not his claims or valid. For example, the author introduces his first claim by testing the reader's judgments. Doing that brings out the anxiety that pervades not only his essay but also his audience's minds. His first claim he is full of purpose he states,“What I propose here is a sketch of a new modus legend” (3). By starting with a rather abrupt announcement, he lays out his objective

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