
Montgomery Bus Boycott Research Paper

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The Montgomery Bus Boycott
There are many events in history that helped to shape and lay the foundation for how people live their lives toady. Many of these historical events came out of sacrifice and unselfishness. Many of these movements involve the prohibition of basic human rights and often times result in loss of lives. “The Montgomery Bus Boycott” is one event that helped to fashion the foundation for acceptance and diversity in the United States of America. According to an article on “”, which stated that on December 1, 1995 during the heights of the segregation between black and white when blacks were not allowed to sit in the front of the bus, a black American woman, Rosa Parks going home from a hard day’s work refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery bus for which she was arrested and fined. …show more content…

Over forty thousand African Americans decided to boycott the public bus system in Montgomery, which lasted for more than a year, three hundred and eighty one days to be exact. As result, the U.S. Supreme court had no choice but to order the integration of the bus system in Montgomery. Even though, the boycott resulted in the integration of the bus system between white and blacks, the initial demand for the movement was to be given “courtesy, the hiring of black drivers, and a first come, first seated policy”. The collective efforts of the African American population in Montgomery saw victory in their bid for justice.
This victory did not come without resistance, which in some cases shadowed by violence. The violence escalated into sniper firing into bus, church burnt to the ground and prominent African American leaders had their houses bomb. However, the arrest of these bombers exposed the white Supremacist group known as the Ku Klux Klan. With the arrest of these bombers came the end of the plaguing violence on the black

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