
Montgomery Tyner Quotes

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What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” a quote I have heard this quote numerous times in my lifetime. Although she didn’t reach the media’s definition of power and fame, those who know Kim would say to fight through her struggles and to find her happiness and strength, she truly is the definition Kimberly Tyner is a person that becomes this saying in countless ways.
Born in 1960 Kimberly Renae McCoy grew up in country side of Vian Oklahoma. Her parents, Billie and Sue McCoy raised her to be strong and independent, which turned out to be the best gift they could give their only daughter. The second of four babies her hardworking mother bore, only Kim and Clinton, the third, baby survived. The first, Richard, died of SIDS a few months after birth. The baby, Morgan David, died of pneumonia when he was a few months old. After the deaths of the babies, Billie went into a deep depression and refusal to grow close to his two living children, instead of turning to alcohol to cover his pain. Sue, continued to be loving and affectionate to both Kim and Clinton, but it wasn’t long until she used alcohol to help with her hidden pain as well.
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The two of them had a baby together a year later. Cecil killed himself, leaving Kim a new mom and a widow at 18. “I loved him, he had good points about him. He was incredibly protective of his time with me and our money.” Kim says with a tear and solemn face, “If I told him I needed something he would take me to the store and buy it. I couldn’t have the money, but he would buy me anything I needed.”
Still grieving, the young mother moved herself and her baby in with her parents, but soon met Dan who knew exactly how to talk to her and they married not long after. The abuse was soon to follow. “It took about six months for me to realize, I left my baby with my parents to protect her and went to Texas to leave my

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