
Moral Relativism Research Paper

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Moral Relativist

We all face moral decisions each day. However, those daily situations may not oblige you to stop and think critically about your moral reasoning. Moral Relativism is ethical judgments that has a philosophized belief that right and wrong is not absolute values, nevertheless are personalized according to the person and his or her situation or cultural orientation. Therefore moral relativism comes in two forms, “what’s right for you but not for me. The second form is cultural subjective or cultural relativism saying “morality differs with different cultural” so each culture has its own form of morality, and whatever is right for each culture means its right without an ultimate standard of what is ultimately right. It is the claim that no ethical system is better than another. Moral Relativism rests on the belief that values are one-sided. It holds the certainty that there is no objective morality. Moral Relativism cannot …show more content…

It’s extremely difficult for me personally to be objective because I am sure that with different cultures come different beliefs and customs. Although depending on the circumstances such as “It is wrong to torture innocent babies just for fun”, I am morally objective. I don’t believe that it s right anywhere by anyone to torture babies for fun. That fact that someone could do that action for “fun” as the reason shows me that they have knowledge of what they are doing and it is not based on cultural standards. I am certain that to torture babies for “fun” is unethical and it’s an action of pure evil and wrong. Perhaps if they didn't know why they were torturing babies then my answer may have been relativist but to do such an action with a justification for ‘fun” then it’s absolutely and entirely

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