In 1497, John Cabot reported schools of cod so thick that they slowed down the ship off the coast of Newfoundland.[] This would set the way of life and be the income of at least 30,000 people in Newfoundland until 1992.[][] The moratorium was right to be put in place on the cod fishery. The loss of cod as a species will lead to more than just cultural and economic losses. The culture and lost of jobs was inevitable, so, the life of the species should have been saved for the better outcome.
Without the moratorium, the cod population would have gone extinct and led to several losses. Despite the moratorium, the cod species is still considered as endangered in 2012. However, the trend of cod population has started to finally return after 20 years
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The ability to maintain the population of cod was unlikely without the moratorium as new technology like trawl fishing or dragnet fishing increased harvest as well as the inclusion of international boats.[] If the cod industry were to continue without the moratorium, there would be a quick decline in harvests and eventually none at all. Consequently, the same lost in the way of life as the moratorium had done would happen. The same can be said about the loss of jobs except it would be worse since there may have been no help from the government at all. The government gave $225 per week after the initial two weeks for ten weeks and access to training for new jobs.[] Albeit this not being enough, it was better than having no help at all. If there was no moratorium, there was no guarantee for help from the government. Moreover, the government strengthened their economy after with a larger income from snow crabs and shrimp.[] After the moratorium, the government also diversified the economy from more than just fishing and improved sections such as tourism.[] A diverse economy is more stable and less vulnerable to collapsing since it is not completely reliant in one sector. This means that if an economic issue happens, then there will not be damage to the whole
Although Proclamation 455/2005 envisages that valuations will eventually be carried out by certified private or public institutions or individuals, it also states that until such time as institutions of private or public nature, as well as individuals with the required capacity/ability become available, the valuations will have to be made by committees to be established under Article 10 of the proclamation or by owners of utility lines as provided under Article 6 of the same
Many people look forward to their March Break. However, March break can be boring if you sit in the house the whole time. The good news is that there are many things that you can do in order to keep yourself occupied during March break. Below is a list of things that you can do during March break:
The purpose of Intermediate Sanctions (“IS”) is to enforce a higher degree of tangible punishment. Intermediate sanctions are a type of punishment utilized in our criminal justice system, which is an alternate sentencing for criminals. With the IS, it’s the median of punishment between probation and jail time. Furthermore, IS helps to ease the overcrowding and cost associated with incarceration. IS has a range of punishments with different levels of intrusiveness, control and administration.
4. Taking away killer whales does not improve the growth of the fish population; in fact it decreases the population (food chain)
US prison system is becoming overly crowded and expensive, Criminal Justice System sometime relies on intermediate sanctions which are relatively less expansive and they bring a kind of rehabilitation. Intermediate sanctions can be imposed by probation office or by court. Intermediate sanctions are basically restrictions imposed on offenders; they can be in shape of fine, strict probation, surveillance or any other restriction depending on laws of state and nature of offense.
Iconic Cape Cod Massachusetts is named after the Atlantic Cod. For centuries, this fish has provided food and trade for New Englanders. In this time, there have been several instances of overfishing by humans from the aboriginal era to colonial times but none so drastic as the present conditions of cod fisheries (Jackson, Kirby, Berger, and Bjorndal, 2001). Overfishing is a human induced occurrence where humans are fishing more than a body of water can sustain. In other words, humans are catching more adult fish preventing the existing population from growing to replenish the fish that were caught (Overfishing: A Global Disaster, n.d.). Worldwide, over 80% of the fish stocks are “fully- to over-exploited, depleted, or in a state of collapse” (Overfishing: A Global Disaster, n.d.). The results of this careless behavior has reduced the biodiversity in the Gulf of Maine and landed the Atlantic Cod on the endangered species list as being “vulnerable” (Cod, n.d.). In the neighboring region of Newfoundland, Canada, communities are already feeling the effects of overfishing. In 1992, at the beginning of the fishing season in the Grand Bank region, there were suddenly no more cod. The local economies collapsed and to this day, the region has not quite recovered (Brennan and Withgott, 2005).
We are living in a society where state and federal governments have implemented and developed new alternatives to reducing overcrowding in correctional facilities, costs, managing higher-risk offenders in the community, reducing crime and achieving greater fairness and effectiveness in criminal sentencing for adults. These innovations are called intermediate sanctions. It includes intensive probation supervision, house arrests, electronic monitoring, restitution orders, shock incarcerations or split sentences and residential community corrections. The intermediate sanctions have the advantage of offering alternatives to overcrowded jails and prisons. Consequently, penal institutions have not only proven to be costly but also ineffective and
II Over the years there has been a huge drop in the population of sharks, because of the popularity of Shark fin soup in china, and this can later on lead to the ocean ecosystem to be disrupted, if sharks are extinct.
1. Intermediate Sanctions are "The use of split sentencing, shock probation or parole, shock incarceration, community service, intensive supervision, or home confinement in lieu of other, more traditional sanctions such as imprisonment and fines" (Schmalleger 397). They are also sometimes termed alternative sentencing strategies. According to Michael J. Russell, who is a former director of the National Institute of Justice, "Intermediate punishments are intended to provide prosecutors, judges, and corrections officials with sentencing options that permit them to apply appropriate punishments to convicted offenders while not being constrained by the traditional choice between prison and probation..." (Schmalleger 397). While intermediate sanctions
Freedom Summer was a nonviolent effort by civil rights activists to integrate Mississippi's segregated political system during 1964. It raised the consciousness of millions of people to the troubles of African-Americans and the need for change. Americans all around the country were shocked by the killing of civil rights workers and the brutality they witnessed on their televisions. For nearly a century, segregation had prevented most African-Americans in Mississippi from voting or holding public office. Segregated housing, schools, workplaces, and public accommodations denied black Mississippians access to political or economic power.
The Atlantic cod fishery collapse left terrible ecological consequences. As mentioned above, the fishing technology was a major destruction to the ecological system by using deployment and draggers. The huge nets that were dropped and dragged along the bottom of the ocean destroyed the underlying eco-system in the process. The effect of selective fishing on spawning grounds – that is, selectively over-exploiting one species in an ecosystem – had disastrous effect on the feeding relationships in that ecosystem. This contributes to the overall reduction of spawning stock biomass of the targeted species, but also an increase in the number of invertebrate and vertebrate predators such as crustacean and fish which will prey on cod eggs, larvae, and younger fish. It is a little wonder that a species like cod, would eventually run into difficulties struggling to survive when its habitat is being continuously destroyed and the balance of their food chain had been wiped out.
There are 4,000 species of fish and 800 species of hard coral. Healthy coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse and economically valuable ecosystems on earth. Coral reefs also protect shores against erosion by causing large waves to break and lose some of their force before reaching land. In contrast, coral reefs are one of the most endangered natural resources. Throughout the world, individuals have came to the self-realization that these reefs are dying. Native families on certain islands in Southern Caribbean are no longer able to catch their food close to the shore-line like they once could. Declining reef health is harmful not only to creatures inhabiting coral ecosystems, but also to the human populations that depend upon them. Coral reef depletion is caused inadvertently by air pollution and greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases cause a change in the PH of the rain. Since coral is a basic substance, acid rain can cause the coral to dissolve away. America should step up to change what is happening for several reasons. These can include because of the reliance on fish for consumption, and the economic gain due to trade or purchase. America is the most powerful country and should therefore take the initiative on these types of issues. Our country has went this period of years without any criminal punishment or regulation for the destruction of our reefs.From the year 1996 to the year 2002, coral reefs onent from 70% coral coverage to below 10% coral coverage. With America’s dependence on fish biodiversity & the supply demand thereof, one can see that allowing coral reefs to undergo such a decline would be a prime example of an unjust action. Boats would purposely run over top of such ecosystems & tear up the homes of millions of organisms. When individuals do this, the economy will directly or
Henry the Navigator was a famous explorer from the 15th century. He is born on 4 March 1394. He was an important figure in the 15th-century in Portuguese politics. The time he lived in was called the: “Age of Discoveries”. The Age of Discoveries is from the 15th until the 18th century. This was the period in which global exploration started. It started with the Portuguese discovery of Atlantic archipelago of the Azores, the western coast of Africa, and discovery of the ocean route to the East in 1498. There are a lot more, too much to tell.
The interrogation process that police use requires planning, preparation, and skill. In this paper, I will break down each element that makes up the police interrogation process and describe how flawed interrogation tactics can make the interrogation less than completely accurate. “Coercion and duress are similar in that they both create an environment of intimidation during the interrogation process. Coercion is defined as the use or threat of use of illegal physical methods to induce a suspect to make an admission or confession. Accordingly, duress is the imposition of restrictions on physical behavior such as prolonged interrogation,
Being a woman is more than biology and it even goes beyond looking at gender as a category created and developed by society. In my opinion, womanhood is similar but at the same time different than manhood. With there being so many different representations of a woman, I ask myself: What constitutes a woman? What does it mean to be a woman? In past societies but mainly in today’s, we as human feel a need to categorize people and this has been showed by the way women have been treated for so long, from the post civil war to the 1920’s and up to the 21st century. By categorizing women, we are limiting them. Women are constantly being put in a box and this is the result of socio-economic and intellectual privilege that is mostly self-created.