
Morphine: Opioid Analysis

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Understanding medications and relating them to a patient’s care is a legal requirement for the RN. Morphine an opioid analgesic is for moderate to severe pain which has respiratory suppression as the main side effect, naloxone and resuscitation equipment should be close by to reverse this effect. (Tiziani, 2013). Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) used for chest pain, works by causing vasodilation to the blood vessels therefore increasing blood flow to the heart, the risk of repeated doses may lead to hypotension (Tiziani, 2013). Aspirin is used as an antiplatelet for Mr Jones and given for a suspected myocardial infarction (MI) due to plaque that may have broken away within a coronary artery and formed a blood clot that leads to a blockage (Tiziani,

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