
Mortality And Violence In The Bhagavad-Gita, Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Mortality and Violence
Mediterranean and Near Eastern literature conveys common ideas and themes, such as The Babylonian Creation Epic, and The Bhagavad-Gita, Epic of Gilgamesh.Each ancient story has it’s own message, but with similar themes. The most prominent theme they all share is violence and mortality. The Babylonian Creation Epic tells the creation of the world through violence and death used to create life. The Bhagavad-Gita is a conversation between a human, Arjuna, and a god, Krishna, about war and the taking of life. The Epic of Gilgamesh depicts King Gilgamesh’s journey, in which he learns the consequences of violence and becomes fearfully aware of his mortality. These three stories stress the importance of mortality and violence in the creation and perseverance of human culture differently.
In The Babylonian Epic, the two ocean gods, Apsu (fresh water) and Tiamat (salt water) intermingle and create multiple gods. Marduk, the creation god, in the midst of war, kills Tiamat and creates the world from her body. Marduk then creates the city of Babylon (Houses of the Greatest Gods), where his home, Esagila Temple, is also located. Marduk later convinces his father Ea, to create mankind. Ea tells his son he will only correspond with is request if the Igili gods give up their leader who they believe is to blame for the war. “Let him be destroyed so that people can be fashioned.”(The Babylonian Creation Epic, Tablet IV, line 16)They sacrifice Qingu and create humans

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