
Moser Vocational Rehabilitation

Decent Essays

People with disabilities struggle to find employment opportunities and retain positions. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor statistics reported that 17.5% of people with disabilities were employed. This is much lower than the 65% of people without a disability (BLS, 2016). People with disabilities may struggle to find employment due to limited training and educational opportunities and restrictions on mobility. They encounter negative stigma from employers and peers who may feel that modifications will be needed to assist limitations (Elliot & Leung, 2004). Employment is a basic right for every citizen and is important for many reasons. Employment improves people’s physical and mental well-being (Kessler et al., 1987; Moser …show more content…

In this field, there are many different types of services. In this article, there are two common types of services that will be explored: Pre-Vocational services and Supported Employment services. The simplest way to distinguish between these two programs is the order in which recipients of the program are trained and placed. Pre-Vocational services use a “train and place” model in which participants are taught necessary skills and then placed at a job (Burns et al., 2007; Rinaldi & Perkins, 2007). Supported Employment, on the other hand, uses a “place and train” model in which participants are placed at a job and then trained on site (Wehman et al., …show more content…

At the time this piece of legislation became the most significant legislation for persons with disabilities. Not only did define the rehabilitation process and define disability it also provided the first civil rights section for persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities had been left out of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. (Resources for Disabled Students, 2016).
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For further explanation see the Reference Guide. (Resources for Disabled Students, 2016).
Title V: Section 501-504 (1973), 508 (1998). Title V progressed civil rights for people with disabilities. Section 501 stipulated that people with disabilities should not be discriminated against in federal hiring processes. The following section created the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (ATBCB) to reinforce that federal building would be accessible to people with disabilities. Section 503 prohibited employment discrimination against people with disabilities by federal contractors or subcontractors. The following section prohibited discrimination against qualified disabled people in programs, activities, and organizations funded by the federal government. Lastly, Section 508 was initiated 25 years later and focused on requiring federal agencies to make information technology accessible to people with disabilities (Resources for Disabled Students,

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