
Motivation In Stephen King's Quitters Inc.

Decent Essays

Having Extra Motivation to Accomplish Something in Life

Have you ever experienced a scenario in your life where you were supposed to do something, but had not found the motivation, so you just left it and did not care about it, although it could potentially hurt you or someone else? One may encounter unmotivated people in life who do not show interest or enthusiasm in a particular task such as school or work. If people are unmotivated to do something, they sometimes need a push that will motivate them and get them back on their feet. Stephen King’s Quitters Inc., illustrates a man who is in need of extra motivation from another man, to simply overcome an obstacle in his life before it consumes him.
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Richard Morrison the main character in Quitters Inc., states that he was having a bad day and that he had left the office and decided to drink the afternoon away, in the story it states, “He had left the office early and had come here to drink the afternoon away. Things had not been going so well at the Morton Agency. In fact, things were bloody horrible…[he] picked up the small card and reread it-237 East Forty-sixth Street was only two blocks over”(King, 211). Morrison is very unmotivated in the story due to the horrible day that he was having, at the Morton Agency. He decided to go and drink and forget about his problems; however, decides to look at the card that his friend Jimmy McCann gave to him, and got motivated to go to Quitters Inc. and seek some help to get his life back in order. Teenagers sometimes need extra motivation to write an essay, because they are too stressed about their other projects and they get extra motivation from their parents, because oftentimes, parents will ground them and take their technology if they do not complete the essay. It is certainly a good idea to get extra motivation for an essay early on, rather than letting a barrier stop you from finishing it and not be …show more content…

One may have to do a test given by the teacher, that they have to study for; however, don’t study due to procrastination, not knowing how to study, or simply getting invited to hang out with friends. Studying for tests is a big part of life for teenagers and can certainly be a barrier for some, because of the lack of motivation. In the story, Morrison wants to stop smoking for his family, but does not have the motivation to do so because he has been a smoker for a while, so Donatti steps in and gives him the needed extra motivation. Donatti tells Morrison, “For the first month of the treatment, our operatives will have you under constant supervision...If they see you smoke a cigarette, I get a call...Your wife gets the rabbit trick, not you” (King, 217). After receiving the motivation from Donatti, Morrison, who has been a smoker for years, was able to stop because, it would later protect his wife from getting electrocuted and getting “the rabbit trick”. Extra motivation like, parents giving their children

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