
Mount Hotham Ski Executive Summary

Better Essays

This three year marketing plan for the Mount Hotham Ski Resort has been developed by its founders and reflects what the business wants to achieve within this period of three year and also it aims to secure additional funding to enable growth and inform all the employees of the status of the company as per today and the direction that the business needs to take for the purpose of gaining competitive advantage as well as gaining a large market share not only in Australia but also in the whole world. Mount Hotham Ski’s mission is to provide world class recreational services that are customer-oriented and that cut across all customers including local, regional and international customers. Equally important is the company’s vision which is: to be the leading firm in the provision of skiing services both in Australia and globally. The firm is guided by core values which include; honesty, consistency, respect, high quality and loyalty. Mount Hotham Ski team is a world class one and that is full of figure and passion to serve our customers with respect and ensure that they get maximum fun out of the money without no prejudice on gender, social status or racial affiliation. Our commitment to our clients and staff leads to success to everyone. Although the Mount Hotham Ski was launched …show more content…

It is in this respect that those interested in the training and entertainment will be significantly attracted. With respect to what the company proposes to offer, it is with no doubt going to be the best throughout the region as it will beat all the competitors within the state comprehensively. Inherently, the company will enjoy the all the benefits associated with deep snow cover, superior topography in the quest to offer the best services in the

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