
Mount Rainier Research Paper

Decent Essays

“Time to wake up! We’re leaving in a few minutes,” exclaimed one my counselors as he was unzipping my tent. Almost immediately I emerge from my morning trance, deflate my sleeping pad, and walk outside to take in the magnificence of the morning coastline. Right outside my tent I witness a bald eagle graze the surface of the Pacific Ocean, looking for its morning meal. As I move further down the shore, I see a pod of gray whales emerge from the water. Moments later I return to the campsite, pack my backpack, and prepare to hike the rocky shore.
Backpacking the Ozette Coast was one of my many memorable encounters with nature during my month long trip to the Pacific Northwest this past summer. Every day brought something new and invigorating, from hiking Mount Rainier to whitewater rafting down the Snake River. Each experience brought new memories, a greater connection with nature, and a newfound sense of accomplishment; I longed for it to stay. However, as I discovered, these natural monuments won’t last long if humanity continues its current habits.
Already, the temperature of Mount Rainier has increased by 1.5ºF in the last 25 years, which has led to increased flooding, poorer air quality, and redistribution of the mountain’s plant species. In 50 years, the …show more content…

While in school, I hope to acquire research experience as an undergraduate, preparing me for both graduate school and my career. One possible research project I have in mind is finding a way to turn underutilized land into arable farmland. The consequences of solving this quandary would be profound. Not only would the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere decrease due to photosynthesis, but less people would go hungry. Although this may not get resolved until after my first four years of college, I hope to lay the groundwork that could lead to a future

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