
Movie Review: Memento

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Movie Review: Memento
Once in a while, a movie turns up and gives extreme experience to viewers.
Memento is one of these movies and calls a lot from the viewers. This is not a movie that nearly every audience will be able to grasp without difficulty. When one is passive while viewing this movie, he or she will end up not seeing significant parts of the story as the film is done in reverse to demonstrate the dilemma of the leading role, Leonard.
The story line is imparted in a mixed-up manner, having Leonard gone through a short-term-memory lost while the audience essentially depends on him for the whole story. The film shows highly-flavored words, some combating and blood and a depressing strong experience. Characters of the story smoke, steal, drink, lie, trade drugs and kill.
Leonard is in crisis of his rare case condition of amnesia which crafts the difficulty for him to bear in mind what has occurred to him in the urgent past, even though he can recollect his life previous to the accident. Leonard’s situation was a result of an attack when his wife was murdered and his mind was injured.
Leonard is being provoked the whole time exclusively by his craving to locate and kill the man he supposed murdered his wife. Given that Leonard retains information that happened previous to the attack, he is going on an expedition to take revenge for the loss of his wife. To stay on the trail of wherever he is and whatever he is doing, he environs himself with mementos using his own

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