
Movie Review : Movie Analysis Of The Titanic

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Prior to watching The Titanic, I had heard a lot about the strenuous journeys those traveling on the voyage underwent. I have never fully watched the movie; therefore, I was unaware of how difficult of an expedition it truly was. The beginning of the movie shows the pleasant and lavish lives that many people experience. While there are different classes of guests on the vessel, most people were able to enjoy themselves and the amentities aboard the majestic ship. As the movie progressed the passengers, however, on the ship found themselves in a fatal situation: the ship had hit an iceberg and began to sink. I was extremely surprised to discover that the ship did not have enough lifeboats to accommodate every passenger, not even half at that. I found the mal preparation for such a grand ship to be a huge shock. I could not believe the owner of the ship would choose having a “less crowded deck” over the safety of its passengers. This atrocity altered my movie-watching exprience, for I knew what was in store. All of the dead bodies floating in the ocean while the staff were looking to fill the lifeboats influenced me greatly because I could not help but think: if the ship had more lifeboats would there be more survivors today? As I saw the deceased families and even children, I couldn't help but think, had the ship had more lifeboats could those people still be living today? Could there have been less fatalities? It is a depressing thought, yet I was appalled by the lack of planning. On a much more jovial note, I found Jack and Rose’s dedication between one another very inspiring. Watching their selflessness throughout the film made me feel almost selfish, for I cannot see myself ever risking my life for another person. One specific scene which was the most profound in my eyes was when Rose got off of the lifeboat to be with Jack. She risked a chance of survival, which so few had the luxury of, to be with the one she loved. Aside from that scene, they are constantly there for each other and risking their own lives in support for the other. The titanic personifies the American dream throughout the entirety of the movie. The American Dream is defined as “the idea that an individual’s hard work and self

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