
Moving Back Place

Decent Essays

There is always the possibility of more people moving out in the Rockies and the plains. It could indeed help us somewhat with being so overpopulated. However there are still many states whose population is still under one million. Why not move to those states if we’re so worried about it. When and if we do decide to move up there we will eventually run into the same question, where to next. It really is inevitable. I believe no matter what we do, we will still want to expand and will have to find another place to live. One of the major reasons for leaving these places alone is because they are one of the last frontiers left. If we move onto this land we lose this. We will see this land like we see any other land. Not something special, like how we saw our land before pioneers started settling here. It’s like a candle when you first light it, you can smell how strong it is, and then you gradually become use to it, and it’s like it doesn't even work, finally you just keep running it until it runs out and then go get a new candle. Which is what we would do to the land if we decided to move to it. I agree we will have to expand soon due to the fact that there are many people moving here. While room is running out …show more content…

While it can be helpful to keep from overpopulation in cities, it could harm the ecosystem by taking some of our last frontier. There are other places that us Americans can expand to, for example we could move to more rural areas across the U.S. There are cities where the have roads of empty houses. Why not just move there. Expanding to land that hasn’t been “touched by man” is rare. You can go anywhere and find man's work. If we decide to use the last frontier to live on we are wasting something that we won’t probably have in 20 years. Even though we are growing there are still plenty of places to settle elsewhere from the Rockies and the Great

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