
Moving School Vs High School Research Paper

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Moving is a very stressful experience for anyone, but it can be truly devastating to an adolescent. This isn’t something that many people know or understand, but definitely something parents should look into if they find themselves moving their children. To students, changing schools in general can be very traumatic, but doing so during the school year can cause even more issues. Moves force students to try and anticipate what kind of situations they will be faced with, to question themselves and their identity, to possibly be subjected to bullying, to quickly adapt to multiple situations immediately, to feel heavy pains due to loss, to lose who they were to their peers and have to re-establish or abandon that role, and to even suffer various …show more content…

A commonality between both of them is the anticipation. No matter what situation, anticipation of the unknown is all relatively the same. This anticipation isn’t a sense of “I can’t wait!” but more a mix of wanting the event to never occur and wanting it to be over already. An example concerning this would be that while in high school a friend of mine enlisted in the Marines. She explained to me that she wasn’t afraid of anything that people had warned her about. Her fear was of the things they hadn’t. She was so scared of being caught off guard in the field and dying that she nearly quit half way through boot camp. The only reason she had managed to stay in was that she convinced herself that after a few weeks/months she’d become used to it and know what to expect. Near the end of boot camp she was again torn. The anticipation clouded her mind, her grades in school suffered, she couldn’t sleep at night, and when she thought about it she would become so nervous that nausea would regularly set it. She got to the point that she just wanted to be deployed simply to stop the anticipation. Similarly, the starting of a new school causes an adolescent’s mind to swim with worries and an uncomfortable anticipation to form. From my own experiences, I can say that one question will rattle around a moving student’s head: “What …show more content…

The pain of missing a friend is something many have and will experience but it is also different than nearly any other pain; it is a combination of sadness, nostalgia, and guilt. In other words, it is unique pain but it is also easily understandable. Out of all the resemblances this is the most powerful and it is also possibly the most detrimental. Many physical maladies can be handled with medical science, some psychological issues can be helped by simply talking them out, but missing a friend isn’t that way. The only thing can help is time, but even that can do little depending on the situation. For instance, at my high school a soldier came in to talk to the students about his experience. He wasn’t there to get recruits or scare us, but to set us straight on what his job was like. He showed up many photos on a big screen of smiling soldier and those soldiers holding pictures. He told us about the gentlemen and ladies in the pictures. At the end of the slide show it said “In loving memory of” along with the names of a third of the people in the pictures. He then went on to say that he hadn’t received any major injury despite all his deployments, but that at the same time he was carrying a huge pain with him everywhere. One of the greatest pains isn’t getting hurt and surviving, but living

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