
Moving To Germany Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

As an adult if I were forced to leave the United States of America and live in another country I would have to choose Germany. The reasons I would move to Germany would have to mainly do with my future career choices. In Germany they have a problem with their immigrant population and are always looking for ways to expand it, seen as how accepting they are of oversee college students from around the world. As it is, their most appealing part of going to Germany is their free college classes. Not only do they offer free classes in German but as time goes on more and more classes are being offered in English and there are many opportunities to take free classes to help people learn their language. If I can succeed in graduating in the higher percentages of my classes and am bilingual by then I have a good chance of getting a teaching job there. An average salary for all levels of teachers is $64,200 per year and can increase if you get a promotion or work for a private school. …show more content…

One of the hardest problems I would be forced to face in Germany would be leaving my family behind in the states, as it is, I may not be the closest person to my family I am still used to having them around and being with me. More people I would miss would be my friends I have in America, the fact I spend almost the same amount of time with my friends as I do my family, it would be hard to give up and move to another country. The strangest thing I would have to get used to in Germany would be the culture and language changes that come along with going to any country you didn’t grow up in. For instance the food people eat in Germany is much different from day to day food in America. Germany has an older fashioned architecture to how American buildings are built here and it would take a while to get used to how things are there, little or small

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