
Mr. Homeschooled As A Child Because Of Illness And Asthma

Decent Essays

• Born on October 27, 1858 in New York, New York • Education: o Homeschooled as a child because of illness and asthma o Columbia Law School o Harvard University • Died on January 6, 1919 in Oyster Bay, New York Election Issues: • Became president September 14, 1901 after the assassination of President McKinley on September 6, 1901 • Needed Republican support to win nomination of 1904 • Worked out understanding with legislature • Used executive office to break up monopolies such as Northern Securities Company • Used the White House as “bully pulpit” • Lectured nation on how the government should regulate big businesses • Toned down his rhetoric in 1903 • Able to place his people in key party positions • Maneuvered Mark Hanna to endorse …show more content…

make it a global power • Believed that sharing American values and ideals would have a great effect on the world • Believed in "speak softly and carry a big stick" • Followed in McKinley’s footsteps by ending the isolationism that had dominated the country since the mid-1800s • Inherited the governance of the Philippines following the Spanish American War • Established the Panama Canal • Became the first President to leave the country during his term of office to go see the building of the Panama Canal • Venezuela became a focus of attention in 1902 when Germany and Britain sent ships to blockade its coastline • Formed the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine • Roosevelt was also a peacemaker • Believed that a large and powerful Navy was a necessity for national defense • Built the US Navy into one of the largest in the world • 1907 he sent the “Great White Fleet” on a world tour to show the US’s strength Domestic Issues: • Elkins Act of 1903 ended the practice of railroad companies granting rebates to certain companies • Hepburn Act made the powers stronger of the Interstate Commerce Commission to include the ability to regulate shipping rates on railroads • The Hepburn Act marked one of the first times a President looked directly to the people by using the press to help him in his decision • Believed that the government should use its help and resources to help achieve social and economic justice • He felt that he should intervene during the coal shortage of 1902 •

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