
Mr. Karimi's Case Study

Decent Essays

Mr. Karimi is 28 years old guy with no previous criminal records and works at windows delivery company in Langley. Mr. Karimi is married to Mrs. Kia and they have a six month old little son. Mrs. Kia is 21 years old and completely depends on her husband as she does not have a job and new to Canada.

This incident took place on March 11th , 2016 at 10 p.m when the couple was taking a walk in their neighborhood. There was a terrible loud argument between the couple and the man was pushing the lady. After they went inside the apartment, neighbors heard their heated arguments and slapping from inside. They also witness a flying umbrella which thrown at Mrs. Kia. Iranian neighbors named Mr. Scott Leone and Mrs. Andrea who witness this incident have reported the police that Mr. Karimi assaulting his wife in public while they were taking a walk with their baby outside the apartment. When police showed up after they have reported, they noticed that Mr. Creamy had finished two bottle of wines. He shouted at police using swear words and act very aggressively.Therefore, police officers had to use the energy weapon to gain control of him to protect Mrs. Kia and the baby. However, when police asked whether Mr. Kia has been hit, she declares that she was not hit and ensure there are no marks on her body. Because of the confusion …show more content…

Karimi's aggressive behavior toward his wife, neighbors, and the police, the decision has been made indicating that Mr. Kia and 6 month old son is vulnerable and need protection from Mr. Karimi. The Judge denied the application to delete the conditions of Mr. Karimi but, has allowed to have electronic contact with his wife via emails, calls, text, and Skype. In addition, permitted to meet in a public place with the presence of a third party. Further, Mr. Karimi is prohibited to use weapons and alcohol and will be observe his behavior towards his wife for at least 4 weeks before granting him any permission to go

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