
Ms. Peterson Narrative

Decent Essays

It sucks! Writing a narrative story, especially when you are in Ms. Peterson’s class. She is just the worst! Nothing like Mr. Ray my old English teacher. When he was around at the start of the year, English was so fun, but like everything, it too must come to an end. “Luke!” the noise that disrupted me screeched across the classroom. It’s Ms. Peterson, with her grey old eyes, she glared at me, her glare pierced past the kids in front of me. “Luke, read out what you have wrote so far”, she commanded with a forceful look. My heart was beating faster and faster, my astonished face was stunned and I was speechless. I tried to force some out of my mouth, “Luke, just read out your story. Hurry we don’t have all day”. With a smirk, I looked down …show more content…

Then Ms. Peterson wandered toward me, at the very back of the classroom. “Look out man, she’s coming”, warning Thomas my best friend, he was sitting next to me prouder and happier than anyone in the class- he believes I could get an A+ for English, after reading out my narrative story. When Ms. Peterson finally arrived at my desk, she exclaimed with a smile, “Bravo Luke, Bravo. I never knew you were quiet the writer”, “Thanks Ms., I didn’t know either.” Ms. Peterson’s smile faded faster than you can say smile, her radiance disappeared when she peeked at my English book. “Luke, did you make up the whole story? You have only written ‘Once upon a time’, and your page is filled with drawings. Luke, you have a talent, you should make a story for the ‘Young Writers Award’, the entry close at the end of the term, I am very impressed with your narrative making skills”. With that, she finishes her lecturing, she quickly marched toward her desk then she frantically opened her drawers and was checking for something. “Bingo!” She stated, she raised her hand which held a colorful piece of paper. “While Ms. Peterson was at her desk, “Thomas declared “I told you that you’ll get and A+”, I answered him by saying no one said that I was getting an

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