
Much Ado About Nothing: Who's More Machiavellian?

Decent Essays

Who’s More Machiavellian? What are you willing to do in order to accomplish your goals? Could you say your machiavellian? describes machiavellian as someone who is “cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics or in advancing in one’s career,” meaning they have goals and nothing, no one, will get in their way to achieving their goal. In the play, Much Ado about Nothing by William Shakespeare, we are given to main antagonists: Borachio and Don John. Both of the characters prove to be machiavellian, but who is more machiavellian? Don John is shown to be more machiavellian than Borachio throughout the play because he considers himself evil and carries no one in his heart. Even if Borachio is a tad machiavellian, …show more content…

Unlike Borachio, Don John doesn’t care for anyone else’s well being but himself’s. Borachio may be evil but deep down, he had a soft spot for Margaret, Hero’s gentlewoman, so much that he didn’t want her to be blamed for something he got her involved in. After Leonato came to the conclusion that Margaret had been part of the plan, an accomplice, Borachio stood before her, defended her and took all the blame, “No, by my soul, she was not;/ nor knew not what she did when she spoke to me,/ in anything that I do know by her” (Shakespeare 91). A true machiavellian wouldn’t care about someone else, as long as they come up on top and clean: speaking of which, Don John always made Borachio do everything, making sure to have his hands clean. After Borachio and Verges were captured and convicted, Don John made sure to skip town and let them both carry all of the charges, without him. In Act 4, Scene 2, Sexton spoke on the matter of Don John’s escape and desertness of his two “friend and follower,” as described in the book’s character descriptions, “Prince/ John is this morning secretly stolen away” (Shakespeare) Don John doesn’t hold a soft spot for ANYONE, not even those who believed and treated him like a friend and a

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