
Multicultural Philosophy Reflection Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Every child is a unique individual who craves an environment that is safe, secure, comfortable, and structured with fair and consistent rules. As a teacher, multiculturalism is very important to me. Understanding diversity in my classroom will allow me to reach all students. Mutual respect needs to be established immediately in order to establish a positive environment, and by valuing all cultures this can be accomplished. Establishing an orderly and respectful environment is crucial for a successful classroom. I have a passion for learning, and I will ignite a passion for learning in every student that I encounter that will last a lifetime. As a teacher, I will enthusiastically guide my students to unlock their full potential. I believe …show more content…

The subject material we teach children today might not be important later, but teaching these skills will prepare students to be productive citizens and to be prepared for a global workforce. Students need to learn how to become active problem-solvers applying critical thinking skills. In addition, we need to identify problems that are meaningful to them and that they can apply to their lives. Creativity is important for students to develop innovation and imagination. Effective communication skills are necessary in the 21st Century. Collaboration is important in every aspect of life. When students work in groups, communication and collaboration can be powerful, and they can learn so much from one another. Collaboration is a very important part of being a teacher. I believe that it takes a community to educate a child. I will keep communication lines open with parents, and encourage their involvement. Students should have a voice in the classroom. It fosters collaboration between the faculty and students. It creates excitement and encourages engagement. I will help students to develop a deep love and respect for themselves, others, and their environment through an open sharing of ideas. Peers are a crucial part in development as a teacher. I will establish positive relationships with my fellow teachers and administrators. We can learn so much from each other, if we are open to others. Collaborating with other teachers will help me to

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