Studying of human behavior has never been easier, and as the population increases, their actions become complicated. As a result, social worker as a professional has different theories that guide them in the process of assessing, evaluating and intervening at various levels in the society (Jayapalan, 2014). In fact, most of these theories usually focus on the study of aspects that make humans different, and an example of the focus include human growth and their development, psychological aspect, social functioning as well as service delivery. However, some theories just highlight social and economic equality. Also, almost all of the theories in social work practice are usually come out of social and historical context, and there should, therefore, be critiqued because of their multicultural applicability. With the aim of understanding persons and their environment, as well as the processes of assessment, intervention, and evaluation, system theory perspective used. System theory includes ecological systems, and it typically focuses on how different individuals interact with others in their environment (Turner, 2014). In fact, social workers use this theory in understanding different individuals while in their constant transaction within their environment. For example, system theory suggests that different systems and subsystems in the societies are interrelated parts. Also, the other common concept of system theory states that each subsystem affects several other areas of
“Cultural Awareness in The Human Services Multi-Ethnic Approach” proposes that as a minimum, a model for culturally responsive social and health services would require us to do the following: 1. Define a model of cross-cultural social work and caring services – the model has to be systematic and take into consideration cultural complexity and also ethnocentric features of the clients served. 2. Describe how the model is applicable to any cross-racial or cross-ethnic relationships. 3.
A system is “A set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole” (robbins 2006), and Systems theory is the
"Ecological systems theory is an approach to study of human development that consists of the 'scientific study of the progressive, mutual accommodation, throughout the life course, between an active, growing human being, and the changing properties of the immediate settings in which the developing person lives, as this process is affected by the relations between these settings, and by the larger contexts in which the settings are embedded'" (Bronfenbrenner, 1989, page or #). When reading and researching to gain deeper understanding and
Between 1500 and the 1860’s at least 12 million Africans were taken to America. The largest migration known in American history relocated 50 ethnic and linguistic groups. Less than half million were sent to North America and the majority were sent to South America and the Caribbean. European goods were taken to Africa to exchange for slaves. The slaves were than taken to America were the slaves were traded for agricultural products in exchange for slave labor. The earliest slaves worked in North American along the southern coast in plantations cultivating crops such as rice and tobacco. The demand for slave labor increased, profit potential multiplied for America’s planters with the Louisiana Purchase and new inventions such as the cotton gin which boosted the cotton economy. Upper region of the south were turn into slave exporting states with a new burgeoning agricultural country, and many slaves were separated from their families. Many African Americans strived to be free since slavery in the earliest days of slavery and many escaped to Canada, Mexico and other areas throughout the US. Slavery was abolished at the end of the Civil War in 1865 and the cotton industry was destroyed between 1915 and 1920. After World War One jobs at factories and railroads were created. The Pennsylvania Railroad helped more than 10,000
This section of the paper will discuss the definition of social work, values associated with social work and arguments for and against the use of systems theory in social work practice. Social work can be described as a field of study that encompasses individuals and their environment. Social work can be defined as work trained professionals do to elevate stressors of individuals so they may become more self-sufficient and empowered to live to their fullest potential.
In society, there are groups that interact with each other. They may be families, churches, government agencies, or anything in between. Those groups can be defined as systems, and in the systems perspective that is what they are referred to (Hutchison, 2017). In the 1960s, Ludwig von Bertalanffy developed the general systems theory in relation to biology, but it was widely publicized and used for various subjects (Hutchison, 2017). Hutchison (2017) summarized Bertalanffy’s theory by saying, “any element is best understood by considering its interactions with its constituent parts as well as its interactions with larger systems of which it is a part.” (p.
Human services workers have a vast knowledge of working with people from diverse backgrounds. As a result, they are able to help clients realize the positive attributes relating to their cultural identity and utilize strategies to help them identify multicultural issues that may be presenting problems or areas of concern for the client.
According to researcher Eunjung Lee, she studied a ‘need for an increase in racial, ethnic and culturally diversity in our society, and cultural responsive social workers and mental health professional’ (p. 63). Increasing in racial, ethnic and cultural diversity justifies attention to our society since social workers demonstrate services to clients by their culturally diverse ways that reflect how they themselves have been taught about diversity. By doing this, opportunities for a social worker to become a role model to the clients for their own growth. When learning, diversity can be difficult by demonstrating anxiety and resistance in multicultural education.
1a) Social work is a profession that helps those in need. Providing resources, developing social policies, implementing programs, etc. In order to be successful in the social work field and to implement these values one must understand different culture systems, human behavior, know the importance of social relationships, have the concept of self-actualization, and understand the values and ethics needed for social work practice. 1b) There is a system that integrates these values. Learning about a specific culture gives the social worker a foundation when working with a specific population. In order to provide resources, the social worker must have
Ecological theory describes four levels of the environment that interconnect and impact people. Moving from the most intimate individual system to a broader inclusion you can identify the many systems that play a role in individual’s lives and well-being. These interactions could be harmonious and create homeostasis or could be disharmonious and cause stress.
A system is a set of interrelated parts. Systems theory assumes that a system must be understood as a whole, rather than in component parts. It is a way of looking at the world where all the objects are interrelated with one another. Many family systems are addressed in the movie Little Miss Sunshine.
With the second wave of systems theory came about the idea of the ecological perspective, named ecological systems theory. It is the combining of general systems theory with an ecological approach. Ecological systems theory uses ideas that link together four different social systems that surround an individual; these systems are known as, micro-systems, meso-systems, exo-systems and macro-systems (Healy, 2005). The ecological model is used as a tool. These systems are very structured and use certain processes as guideline. Different processing concepts are used in systems theory. These concepts explain how the system works. Input is the energy being fed into the system across boundaries. Throughput is how the energy is used within the system and output is the
System perspective see’s human behaviors as the outcome of interactions within and among social systems of interrelated parts. These social systems of interrelated parts consist of people within the family, friends, school and work. System perspectives can be understood as the subsystem of larger systems, where each system has its unique identity but they are all interdependent. From a system perspective, behaviors are influenced from the past which are learnt from within the family and other social systems. Within a system perspective, there are smaller systems that a Social Worker may consider for a more holistic view. This is done by considering the role the physical and social environment has on a person’s behavior as well as protective and risk factors that influences positive and negative outcomes.
General system theory focuses on the interaction or the relationships between components that contribute to the system as a whole.
Systems thinking is a method of thinking that looks at the interconnectedness between different elements rather than a linear cause and effect approach and sees patterns of change rather than fixed “snapshots”. In essence it is a view on the “whole picture” (Anderson, R 1994).