
Multiple Disabilities: What Do We Still Need To Learn?

Decent Essays

Providing assistance to children is especially difficult. Sometimes it’s due to a lack of time or not having enough patience with a child. When a child with special needs is having more difficulty completing a task, often it’s done for them. We want children to be independent, however, we always complete the task for them. Another important aspect to consider is the materials in the classroom. Most materials are used for “typical” development children and if they struggle, then they can adapt to the materials. On the other hand, a child with special needs may be struggling due to not being able to adapt to the specific material as quickly as others. This could include something as simple as a crayon. Instead of having a crayon that is on the smaller side, give the child a thicker crayon to use. …show more content…

Also, children with special needs could also be delayed in their speech and they may not be able to communicate as much as they need to, which could then drive teachers to do the tasks for them. In an article, “Supporting Young Children With Multiple Disabilities: What Do We Know and What Do We Still Need To Learn?”, they discuss the many different struggles that children with special needs face, along with what educators can do to help the children. The article states, “Many of these young children struggle to communicate their wants and needs, to freely move their body to access and engage their world, and to learn abstract concepts and ideas.” Another reason for children with special needs not getting the independence that they need is due to cost. I believe that children with special needs need certain materials and devices to get them through a day. Especially in schools, teachers or the school may not be able to afford the materials that the children

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