
Multitasking Research Paper

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When someone is multitasking they are not doing multiple things at once, they are simply switching tasks at a rapid pace. This puts strain on the brain, which creates mental fog, anxiety, and stress. It also reduces impulse control. With a lowered impulse control, it is easy for social media to hijack our brains with the promise of stimulating our dopamine-powered reward centers. Stress, anxiety, multitasking, and social media are intricately intertwined in our modern world. Research has proven that multitasking is detrimental to our mental health, however, I constantly am switching from one task to another.
Ironically, multitasking is proven to be not only less efficient, but also has shown to take a significant physiological toll on one’s …show more content…

Should we be more cognizant of the potential dangers that modern technologies pose for the human brain? For instance, technology is evolving in a way where multi-tasking is being encouraged and implemented at high rates despite its destructive capabilities.
In Levitins’ article, they describe what is called the Dopamine-Addiction Feedback Loop. Multitasking has shown to leave people with a false sense of accomplishment upon finishing tasks. These feeling are triggered by a dopamine released in your brain. Naturally, due to the positivity this stimulus provides one, they find themselves wanting to replicate the behaviours. They further discuss what is known as Info-Mania. This suggests that even the allure of multi-purpose technology is in and of itself problematic. This is because the distractions that can be posed by certain devices negates one from ever being able to fully invest their focus into the task at hand. Being someone with ADD, I constantly find myself switching between tasks as I get easily bored. I am unsure if my ADD has been somewhat influenced by my upbringing with social media, and how I am constantly being barraged with different things to look at and do. Even

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