
Muscles Contract When The Central Nervous System

Decent Essays

Muscles contract when the central nervous system gets a signal to contract from the brain. In order to know how muscles contract you have to know what elements create a muscle. The skeletal muscles are made up of many bundles of muscle fibers, which are long strands of multinucleate cells. The fiber is formed by the fusion of many cells. The muscle fiber’s main components are the myofibrils. The myofibrils contain sarcomeres, which is the main element responsible for the contraction and relaxation of the muscle. The contraction and relaxation actually are from the sarcomere shortening and lengthening. The sarcomere is made of thick filaments made of myosin and thin filaments composed of actin. These filaments never change in length; in fact, they slide past each other, which then allows the sarcomere to shorten the muscle to contract. In actual contraction, there is an interaction between myosin heads and the actin filament. In this interaction, a group of proteins aid in the process. Those proteins are, troponin and tropomyosin and the proteins actin and myosin that have been mentioned early that are contractile proteins (Johnson 2013).
In the contraction of the muscle, action potentials are needed. Action potentials travel down the T-tubules of the sarcolemma, in which they are able to activate the release of Ca++ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Then the Ca++ binds to the troponin. This then allows tropomyosin to move since it is currently in the way of the interaction of

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