
Music Analysis

Decent Essays

To understand the true definition of music, a person must be able to understand the basic elements of music. Yes, everyone on Earth can give you a basic definition of music and some may just be able to explain how certain pieces of music makes them feel, but do they really understand it? To better understand the music they are listening to and to better understand the beat or the tempo, a person has to look deeper into the piece; they have to go behind the scenes of music. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines music as “the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity” . Webster’s also defines music as “an agreeable sound”. These two definitions are extremely diverse from each other, one being exceptionally more complex than the other but still both are accurate. The more simple one is easier to comprehend for individuals who are not as musically inclined as others. On the other hand, the more challenging definition requires additional background information in order to fully understand the concept.
Music is made of up many time-related elements, which all correlate beautifully to make …show more content…

We know summer will turn into fall and fall eventually turning into winter. If a person says they do not have rhythm, they are lying. They may be thinking they have “two left feet” or something in that nature, but they have to think smaller. We can feel our chest elevate and lower as we inhale and exhale; this is rhythm. Rhythm can be understood as the recurring array of movement or sound. Our Book says, “Rhythm can be defined as the particular arrangement of note lengths in a piece of music.” Rhythm can be notated in several way; it can be a white or black note, be a stem or flag, or by several flags joined by a horizontal beam. Rhythm has subcategories that relate to each other to produce harmonious

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