
Music And Music : The Impacts Of Music In Globalization

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Music in Globalization
Esmael Abofakher
ILSC Toronto

“When words fail, music speaks.” Shakespeare, that’s what put the music on the top of the global languages for connecting people to each other however from any countries belong. Globalization of Music is very important because music is global language, makes people closer and music as treatment for many people.
I. Music is global languages between all the people around the world.
A. Music is the universal language of all mankind.
1. People can't travel around the world and be able to communicate with everyone through their native language, but Music! It is the one thing that isn't solely reliant upon a thesis, but emotion and how we were born to think.
a. Ever heard a …show more content…

1. Music always develop by time with keeping the basic roots of cultural music.
III. Music heals consciousness and consciousness is universal, indeed.
A. Music is one of the many things that makes us human.
1. Music helps and improves people’s empathy to each other.
B. Music Therapy Improves Quality of Life.
1. Anyone can play or listen to music for “recreational purposes only” and still gain brain benefits But when professional health care help is warranted, you can enlist the aid of a music therapist.
C. Music could be a treatment for anxiety people.
1. There are many studies shows that music helped people to change their mood from anxiety to relax mood

“When words fail, music speaks.” Shakespeare, that’s what put the music on the top of the global languages for connecting people to each other however from any countries belong. Globalization of Music is very important because music is global language, makes people closer and music as treatment for many people.
Music is global language between all the people anywhere, for instance, people can not travel around the world and be able to communicate with everyone through their native language, but Music is the only thing that is not solely reliant on a thesis, but emotion and how we were born to think. Have you ever heard a song in a different language, for example Gangham Style, Time to Say Goodbye, Did you honestly have no idea what the

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