
Music: Poem Analysis

Decent Essays

One. Persistent, distance drumming. Like someone hitting a heavy stick against a dumpster in a discordant, empty rhythm. Like withdrawn thunder pulsing on a wet, rainless summer night. Something angrier, like bombs dropping on a neighboring village, bursts, and then silence, and then volleys. You remember nights under the same sound, crisp air, the sky lit in blue and red and green. All ending in a grand finale of dust and desolation, sparks crashing down on nothing but rubble, laughter, and scattered memories. Two. Antagonizing and loud. Continual jabbering, late in July when they finally show up. You wait all summer for a peep, a break in the silence that is the night. Quiet thrums of air conditioners, occasional whisks of cars flying by at 3 a.m., going nowhere. Every night, listening hard at nothing. And then, just one or two, quietly, joined nights later by the cacophony that nature calls a symphony. And the small ones, who rub their legs and get jiving, they join, and the ones down in the swamp, they join with bellows that do not fit their small bodies. Three. …show more content…

It’s sudden, sweeping by like a torrent, leaving you listening with tilted head. You’re reminded of that one afternoon, late summer, evening. Outside with your brothers, with the smell of rain on your tongue and the dry, packed dirt under bare feet. The sound comes, but louder, different. Your brother shouts, laughing, pointing. A mad dash for the door as water rushes from the sky in a sheet, just across the street. You sprint on dry grass as it rolls closer, pounding, wet, drenching. But this, tonight, is just sweeping, dry and cool, impending, whispering of fall nights and less of an Indian summer than when you were younger. Leaves shake on the trees, but still green, they cling on to branches and

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