
Muslims In Memphis

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Muslim Community in Memphis
Memphis knows for its diversity of religions. According to web. Religion statistic of Memphis; the religious people in Memphis are more than half the Memphis’s population. Memphis largest religion is Catholic, and the smallest religion is Islam. “63.74% of the people in Memphis, Tennessee are religious, meaning they affiliate with religion. 6.76% are Catholic; 0.64% are LDS; 13.28% are another Christian faith; 0.93% in Memphis, Tennessee are Jewish; 0.72% are an eastern faith; 0.48% affiliated with Islam.” Memphis has a small society of Muslims, but it's growing fast each year. According to Web. Muslim is the follower of the religion of Islam. Islam is Abrahamic, Celestial, and Monotheism …show more content…

Web. Muslims in Memphis were a small group. They did not recognize by anybody. A group of Muslims used to meet in their houses and did not have a mosque. They rented a small place in the University of Tennessee. They remain without a mosque until Dr. Akbib and Dr. Usman came and founded those group of Muslims in 1978. Two years later, Muslims community bought a house and made it a mosque at 1065 Stratford in Memphis. Four years later, Muslims rebuild their small mosque to bigger mosque because Muslims society was growing fast. The mosque named is Masjid As-Salam. According to Fox News, Muslims in Memphis almost 10,000 to 15,000 Muslims of various cultures and ethnicities.
According to web. The Muslim community has limited Islamic worship places “mosques” and Islamic schools in Memphis. There are eight Mosques in Memphis; Masjid Al-Muslimeen, Midtown Mosque, MASJID AR-RAHMAN, MASJID AL-NOOR, MASJID AL-SALAM, Memphis Islamic Center, MASJID AL-MUMINUN, and MASJID AT-TAQWA. According to Private School review. Com, there are Five Islamic Private Schools in TN; Annoor Acadamy in Knoxville, Annoor Acadamy in Chattanooga, Clear Mohammed School in Nashville, Nashville International Acadamy in Nashville, and Pleasant View School in …show more content…

"America will not become great by spreading hatred or by spreading fear. America will not become great by cutting itself off from its neighbors. America will not raise the torch of liberty by breaking up families and denying treatment to the sick," said Yasir Qadhi, with the Islamic Center of Memphis. "On the day, you leave office; we will make America great again." Abdallah Altareb one of the Muslim protesters Abdallah was holding the American flag. He is from one of the countries that banned Yemen. He is twelve years old, and he came to Memphis when he was six years. He said, “"It's not America without diversity," he said, "You can't judge a book by its cover so you can't judge every Muslim by one group of

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