
My Accomplishment Of The Recession

Decent Essays

My Accomplishment

The recession was becoming a huge thing for the American people in 2008. People began to lose their houses; people were laid off their jobs you see more homeless in the streets. Soon the American people were scared that the recession will soon hit to the depression. Unfortunately, my family were the ones effected by the recession and we end up losing are house and my father was laid off from his job so we end up living with are aunt. My father tries to get back to his feet by selling some are things in a garage sale. After all, that my dad decided to go to school for a CDL training program so he can become a truck driver. It took him 4 months until he got his CDL and then obtain a job at Bolingbrook. We were finally getting back to are feet and then I graduated in 2012 and then I decided to get a job instead of going straight to college. The reason I chose to get a job first was because so I can help my family; and to tell you the truth the job I obtain was my first job ever and the only reason I obtain this job because my father sister helped me get in so you can imagine how nervous I was when I first started. I really wanted to make a good impression and show them I was a hard worker. So the position they give me was shipping and receiving clerk and I’m like it doesn’t sound so hard.
The day I started was in June 2, in 2012 and I was pretty much nervous; I walked to the factory doors and inside it was really hot and they had a lot machines, you also see

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