
My Admission To College

Decent Essays

Why do you feel that you qualify for this award, scholarship or entrance to this college?
High school was truly a test for my skills in balancing my academics, social life, and my hobbies. There were many times where I lost the balance, but it did not discourage me to give up and put all of my efforts to waste. Instead of being discouraged, it was my motivation to achieve higher things. It was my motivation to get back up, defeat the imbalance, and to strive for higher things. After four years of attending high school, my (sometimes stubborn) determination was the greatest thing that I have learned about myself. In college, I would like to test this strength again, and hopefully, in a more challenging environment where I will fall even harder, …show more content…

Our small little teriyaki restaurant at Snohomish has been our family’s main source of income ever since we immigrated to the United States. As a child, I never thought about the work that my parents did everyday for my education and happiness. My mom and dad worked in the restaurant for 10 hours a day for 7 days a week. It was not until I started helping out at the restaurant that I truly understood the huge amount of effort that my parents put in everyday for me. The experience not just made me humble, but made me feel guilty. I knew that I couldn’t pay or take care of myself, so my parents were stuck. Just helping out at the restaurant wasn’t enough to repay what my parents has done for me, so I looked to a thing that made my parents happy: my academics. I was motivated to work harder than ever in accomplishing academic success. My academic successes that I have today are not just for me, but mainly for my parents. It is only a small portion that I could give to make sure their hard efforts are worth …show more content…

I describe myself as dependable because I never let any of my peers have a disadvantage just because they do not understand the materials in class. I try to do anything in my time to help them succeed or at least become comfortable in the material. Being an immigrant myself, I had the hardest time understanding the english teaching at school, but I was lucky enough to have peers and teachers around me to provide the support I needed when I was still young. Now I feel it is my duty to do the same thing to let everyone have the opportunity to succeed. I identify myself as diligent because I make sure I am always consistent with my work. I always try to do homework right when I get home to give me enough time to finish. I always try to produce a product with the same or greater results from last time. Finally, I identify myself as hard-working because no matter how hard a problem might be, I am stubborn enough where I do not give up. I always strive to work 100% in anything I do to fulfill my

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