The Best I Ever Had Friedrich Nietzche, a German philosopher quoted, “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” The most meaningful event in my life was when my twin daughters came into life. I am an immigrant that moved to this beautiful country when I was only thirteen years old teenager. Only one more family out of many that decide to come to this country hoping for better future and try to achieve the American Dream.
I graduated high school on May of 2011, full of dreams and ambition for a bright future. Coming from an immigrant family, I wanted nothing more but to make my parents proud and more than anything accomplish the goals I’ve had since I could remember. College cost me double more than Out-Of-State tuition because of my legal status in this country, and I could not apply for loans or scholarships that would normally help students. I decided to look for a full time job to save money for college, and I found a position at Aarons Sales & Lease as a sales representative. Truly, I loved my job and
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I used to always eat subway, it was just next door from my job and I loved it! However, on a Monday on lunch time I ordered the same as always and I got this sick feeling that made me want to throw up, I couldn’t even smell it. When this happened I knew right away something was going on with me, and the first thing that came to mind was “PREGNANCY.” The same day when I got off I went to the store to buy a pregnancy test and when I took it, it sure was POSITIVE. My world collapsed, I felt like I had fail my parents, the people that cared about me and specially myself. Although, accepting the circumstances and telling my parents wasn’t easy either, time kept clicking and wasn’t stooping. I was only three months pregnant when one night, I woke up with a lot of pain and I was bleeding. The following day I went to see the doctor, feeling scared and nervous, only to find out I was not only having one but TWO
Everyday thousands of people, illegally and legally, come to America seeking a new and better life and having the choice and freedom to start over. Through hard work and dedication, people believe America will provide them with the ability to pursue in their “American Dream” so they can be successful and content with their lives. In my “American Dream” I am a doctor who’s saving lives so people have the chance and ability to continue pursuing in their “American Dream.” My friends, family, and teachers push me to attain excellent grades, go to a college that’s renowned and well-known, and become a doctor, which in my father and mother’s opinion is a highly respected career. My parents believe that being a doctor you are highly respected because
There isn’t much to tell about myself; I am just a simple girl from Africa trying to live the “American dream.” I work very hard for what I have, and I do not surrender easily. In addition, I am a very caring person, which can be one of my best qualities but also one of my worst. For instance, when I make promises to people or give them my word, I will follow through to what I promised. I will go above and beyond to make sure I do what I said and committed myself to do.
I have never been so excited about my biggest dream that was about to turn into reality. Settling permanently in the United States was to become my life changing experience. Such an experience is worth living. It has been a great opportunity to start living my best. Coming to America where anything seems possible is a dream come true for certain reasons such as fulfilling a childish dream to study in America, revealing a chance to see the world, and building a road to success.
I’ve had challenges in ranges from peas to elephants throughout my lifetime, but the biggest challenge I’ve faced Thus far has been navigating and blending cultures. From Burmese kids who’ve spent years in refugee camps to Congolese kids who’ve fled civil wars, to the American homeboys who wear baseball caps backwards, to me a girl from the congo who lives with parents that view the world in strict and narrow terms,my world is made up people from all over the world with one objective in mind- realizing their American Dream, freedom of thought, speech and opportunity to be who they are without fear. Every day is a new adventure with endless possibilities for those who are open and brave. I’m open and I’m brave, but I secretly live in a world
The classic “American Dream” can be envisioned as a white picket fence, crisp lawn, and two young children playing about in front of a lightly hued colonial style home. Once the ideal of ultimate success within the United States, this life goal is now just an image on a page of a 1960’s chapter within a United States history textbook. Now, America’s strong-willed and influential Millennials have thoroughly and unapologetically redefined the “American Dream”.
Given these points I have been reflecting on these past subjects i have come to a thought of my own , An american dream my own better richer life especially with my age in the moment.As my descusions in class was mostly having a college career and being able to prvide for others and yoursef and one day starting a family which where the majority of my peers american dream;At first it was mine to but then i started thinking as i was going back and doing my last edits on my paper I realized that that was the basic american dream for the future and of course i wanted that but I Also want more I hope more for myself ,i want to be happy to be able to have the same joy as my grandparents do and the determination as my ansesters did and the same
Dreams themselves come in all shapes, sizes, and depths. They can range from simple primal desires to complex demands for morality and justice. In every corner in our behemoth of a nation, dreams can be found. Thanks to you, many can safely express their viewpoints on such ideas without fear of being told they're speaking out of place. The story of your American Dream lives on in today's youth as an inspiring tale of overcoming the injustices of the world we live in. My dream resembles yours in this way.
Growing up in a family full of healthcare providers, I told myself growing up that I would stir away from such profession. As a child, I have always wanted to be a teacher “when I grew up”. At a young age, my family and I migrated from the islands of the Philippines to the United States of America. When we got here, my big family lived in a small apartment with my grandparents. Life has changed from living a very comfortable lifestyle to my parents having to work hours on end to chase the American dream. For all of my life, I have never felt so separated from my parents. However, I understood that they were working hard for the family. Luckily, I had very caring and loving grandparents who took on the role of our guardians and caregivers.
After Noke completed his two year commitment in the Dutch Army, he made plans to immigrate to the United States of America; “the land of opportunity”. College degree in hand and eager to begin a career in engineering, in 1955 he settled in Berkley, California where it was easier to find work in the postwar economic boom. Noke took up temporary residence, renting a small apartment in a nondescript neighborhood. Eventually, he found work and wrote weekly interesting letters to his mother to tell her about his life in America.
In 2004, my family emigrated to America from Pakistan. Our lives in Pakistan were better than most. We lived in a huge condo and my father owned a plant nursery which earned him enough money to support us. However, my parents wanted their kids to have a better future and become something great one day. This wasn’t really possible in Pakistan; the education system wasn’t great and it wasn’t safe either. Because of this, we emigrated to America so my siblings and I could achieve the American dream through proper education. Little did I know that my life would drastically change.
In the 1930’s, the American Dream became more prominent them ever. Following the stock market crash, the country was thrust into the Great Depression where the people were filled with sorrow and to get them through the time, the American Dream was born. For some the fantasy was to own a little home, a car and have a family. But for the characters in Of Mice and Men, the characters version of the American Dream was to own a little plot of land and own some rabbits. In addition, Steinbeck uses Lennie, George and Candy’s visions to teach the reader that dreams are thought up almost effortlessly, but much more difficult to obtain.
As someone who was born at the tail-end of the millennial period, 1997, I can definitely say that I am experiencing this new American Dream for myself. Owning a home is definitely a part of the American Dream that has remained intact for as long as the country has been standing. However, for a millennial there is a new and added depth to the Dream. Millennials have been accused of many things, killing the diamond industry, killing the department store industry, and for being unwilling to enter the housing market. While the dream of owning a home is indeed alive and well among millennials, it is something that feels far beyond reach for the majority of us.
There is so much our country that we can improve upon. There are many unresolved issues and conflicts in our nation. My dream for this nation is that it is safe and secure. Our country is a large target to terrorists, North Korea and many other organizations. I hope the future holds people who don’t have to live in fear of terrorists and can go to concerts, airports, movies and thousands of other populated areas without fear. This nation needs unity. No more protests about things that are not necessary. No more discrimination. We, citizens of the United States, are equal under the constitution. It's about time we start acting like it. We all are just living own lives the best they can. Therefore, I don't find it necessary for people having
There are three things you need to be happy in the world we currently live in, energy, time, and money. Except, life is funny ; as a child, you have time and energy, but no money, as an adult you have energy and money but no time, and a senior citizen you have time and money but no energy. If I were to become the Wolverine, there would be nothing I would ever have to worry about. Having infinite time gives me the ability to acquire anything I would need in order to make my life happy. In today’s society having his strength and physique, benefits not only physical appearance but as well as it positively affects one’s monetary value. Another key aspect that can be appreciated is the limitless opportunities to do wild and adventurous tasks that
At a young age, the expectation of me excelling in school was high from my parents and myself. Meeting that expectation meant hard work: extra schooling from tutors right after school, countless hours of doing math problems, and reading countless books. Looking at it now, this was a lot for a first grader, however, I've managed to meet those expectations and became one of the top students in my class. Life was perfect, making my parents proud, and that was all I ever wanted to do.