
My American Dream

Decent Essays

I’ve had challenges in ranges from peas to elephants throughout my lifetime, but the biggest challenge I’ve faced Thus far has been navigating and blending cultures. From Burmese kids who’ve spent years in refugee camps to Congolese kids who’ve fled civil wars, to the American homeboys who wear baseball caps backwards, to me a girl from the congo who lives with parents that view the world in strict and narrow terms,my world is made up people from all over the world with one objective in mind- realizing their American Dream, freedom of thought, speech and opportunity to be who they are without fear. Every day is a new adventure with endless possibilities for those who are open and brave. I’m open and I’m brave, but I secretly live in a world …show more content…

At first everyone and everything I encountered seemed strange and my parents embraced everything that this new cultural experience brought us as long as it lined up with their ideas of educational and financial achievement. The cultural experiences that pushed against their belief systems were taboo and the consequences of these evils were drilled into my head. So as I began to understand and consider and interpret these experiences I began develop-in my own sense of right and wrong, which forced me to leave my parents’ ideas of what defined a taboo experiences at the door of my blended cultural norms and realities. It made my parents, in some instances, seem judgemental and close minded to me. My gay friends, Muslim and Hindu classmates and the ones that did not adhere to a strict Catholic doctrine were not to be avoided, rather we became a community that educated each other about ourselves and learned about our differences. Unbeknownst to my parents I found my own cultural voice amounts a community of culture blenders that support each other financially and morally. Together we created a blended culture. What I admire most about this blended culture is our ability to talk to each other without saying a

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