The Week That I Lost My Best Friend
It was a Monday afternoon that would start the worst week of my life. Losing someone is tough, but losing someone who has been your best friend ever since you met him which you’ve been with for around 9 years is seriously tough. This happened a around 4 years ago in December. It happened a few days before Christmas. What a Christmas present. This would be the first Christmas without my best friend. It’s hard losing someone that is always right there with you.
This week is the week when I lost favorite dog, his name was Indy. He would always sleep in my room. He wasn’t like a normal dog he would actually sleep with you. He would come under the covers and fall asleep. He loved going under the bed. You would fall asleep to him on the bed and the next morning he would under the bed. He was my favorite thing as a kid and still is now. He was my best friend, he would greet me everyday when I got home from school. Even though we have a new dog named Riley, I will still cherish the moments that I had with him as a kid. But these moments are the things that will stay with you forever, they will never go away. They will always be with you. People often say that the loved ones that are not with us anymore will always be with you, they will be with you in your heart. I believe this because if you truly loved spending time with that person, then all that love is with you forever.
As I was getting off the bus, I started to run as
This day today is a hard one for all of us. Losing a loved one is the saddest event in our lives. When you lose a loved one, your heart feels heavy and sad. And that’s what I am going through right now.
This past saturday, our family lost the one thing that made our world go round. we lost a person that could not possibly be replaced. we lost a person that made our family stronger than ever. we lost a person that taught us more than any school or institution could teach. we lost gramp, and i lost my best
As cliché as it sounds- the loss of a pet can be an extremely detrimental event. The quiet comfort of always having someone by your side suddenly vanishes. I would bend down to scratch their floppy ear. Yet instead, to find only empty space. As a young child, knowing nothing different
September 20th, 2016 was the day I was dreading the most out of the whole year. That was the day when my boyfriend of almost two years would be leaving to begin his training as a United States Army Military Policeman. We had to wake up at six in the morning to begin our journey to the Gloucester Army Reserve office where his recruiter would take him to the Richmond International Airport to begin his trip to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Saying goodbye to somebody who has been by my side nonstop for the past two years was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Little did I know, the next five months would be nothing but a few phone calls and occasional letters by mail.
I went home and laid in bed while heavy in the air hung the thought that my best friend of three years was gone 756 miles and almost 12 hours away from me. To this day I still think about all of the crazy Friday nights, after school study sessions, weekend movies and naps, and bus rides we have and how a Friday night football game will never be the same without him cheering on the team right beside
It was 1923 when a dog named Hachiko was adopted by Eizaburo Ueno. Hachiko would go to the train station everyday with Eizaburo, and come back to the train station when Eizaburo’s train would return. When Eizaburo died at work, Hachiko would still go to the train station everyday to wait for him. Hachiko died of old age, waiting at the trainstation for his master's return. The story of Hachiko is a story of true friendship between man and animal. It reminds me of the friendship I have with my cat, Sami. Sami is always there for me,she my family and my best friend.
He was my childhood best friend.Our friendship was above any other relationships.Nothing could disunite us not even our parents.We had different embodiment, but we had the same understanding and knowledge.We used to deceit to our parent to hang out frequently.We were ready to demise and assassinate anyone for particular, that’s what acquaintance do…We were kinda like that.And of course, we would sit with our best companion and not miss day to troll a teacher and make some pandemonium. And, yeah, of course, if he’s not coming to school, I am not going either.
On a hot summer day I with my mom in her tan Buick Lucerne outside of Wendy’s watching hundreds of cars pass by on the road waiting for my best friend and her mom to arrive and retrieve me. I would step outside at times, smell the fresh air mixed with a mouthwatering scent of fast food, then beg for the next grey car I see to be them. The moment they had arrived, I was too lost in my own thoughts to notice. I had gotten sidetracked thinking that I looked horrible because I curled my hair to a type of wavy that I did not truly like, but the moment my mom said that they were here those thoughts stayed in the car while I ripped open the door and ran to my lifelong friend. I ran as fast as my legs could carry and tacked her in a bone crushing hug that landed us on the soft light green grass. I noticed her hair had grown to a length that reached just below her shoulders, her skin had gone from a light skin to a glowing tan, and her body looks overall toned from the hours of track she has been accomplishing. After the hour of everyone catching up, it was time to take our leave. I couldn’t wait to arrive and officially be treated as family. It is easy to experience being a part of a friend’s family when you are so close that you are treated as if you are blood.
It was late November snow fluttered gracefully, piling on every flat surface. Memories flooded back to the times long ago of my best friend and her fruitcakes. She was my best friend, her eyes shimmered and gleamed when she smiled and her excitement at the smallest things reminded me of a kid at Christmas. Sometimes I sit back and look back at all the days before they transported me off to school, and snatched me away from her, the tears in her eyes reflecting her hurt. I never could understand what my parents meant when they said it was for the best to take me elsewhere, that she wasn’t providing me properly. When I look back now, I think she did a wonderful job of teaching me the ways of living fully, and giving to others for nothing in return.
In the winter of 8th grade, I began to disconnect from my friends, mainly my ‘best friend’. I didn’t have as much fondness of her as I would’ve had a few years ago. I didn’t laugh with her as much, and we didn’t hang out as often or even feel the need to. It was as if I didn’t want to be with her.
My best friend knew everything about me, he watched me grow up, he helped shape me into the person I am today. His help guided me through life, even with him being seven years older than me, and living with a disability. My best friend was my brother, Shawn, and before I knew it, he was gone.
TJ Graves is not your average 21 year old, not many people can say they are 21 and driving a race car. Last summer, TJ went from being just a driver on a race track to someone I can call my best friend. At the time, I had never talked to him - that night in august changed my life for ever.
My dog Murphy, who was seven years old, was like my best friend. He was always at my side since day one. He was a loving, fun, and comforting dog. Murphy was super protective of me and would always try to get someone’s attention when he thought I needed help. I never knew a dog was capable of doing that, but he could. Murphy was literally the best dog in the world. Anytime I was sad, he knew. To cheer me up, I got his slobbery kisses to the point where my face was gone at the end! I always saw a long life planned ahead for him. I expected him to live till he was twelve, like most dogs, but that wasn’t the case.
October 10th, 2017 a windy day I lost my best friend, my lover and all, but not to death or anything, but to the change of heart. It was a long 4 months I was in love, something I never felt before toward anyone. I met Matarr in 6th grade, that’s when I was taller than him, now he’s huge like a tree, he’s still really dark, and still goofy like the first day we talked. We were best friends ever since we talked everyday day and night all the time we grew up together kind of at least. In 7th grade we just got closer and closer, then in 8th he decided to switch to Ucap I mean at first it was hurt, our friendship did change a little bit though. We still talked every now and then and in December of 2016, I started to catch a crush on him.
Life isn’t always what it seems to be. It’s always changing, no matter what. Even if you’re stuck in the past. It’s like it just happened yesterday, I’ll try my best to tell you about my life and how it made me who I am today.