
My Best Friend

Good Essays

Bang! I woke up to the sound of the garbage man slamming the heavy garbage can to the ground. Every Saturday I woke up to that same sound except this Saturday was a special one. It’s the day I had been waiting for, for about two months, now my trip to Madagascar! I was fortunate enough to be going for fourteen spectacular days with my best friend Colin. Colin had been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I had made so many great memories with him and I can’t wait to make more. He is the definition of a perfect friend with his funny and outgoing personality. We were staying at this premium all inclusive resort, which had endless fresh caught shrimp and squeezed tropical juices! Colin had always rambled about wanting to go somewhere exotic so we decided to explore a part of the world we had never seen for our Christmas break. Also it was a nice bonus to get away from the windy city of Chicago which was starting to get colder in the winter months. I heard a knock on my door and rushed down the stairs of my apartment. I could see Colin’s broad and short figure through the frosted glass of my door. He came in and we feasted on some Cheerios and fruit, It was going to be a very long flight from Chicago to Madagascar and we didn’t want to be hungry on the plane. The adrenaline rushing through his body was evident to me. Oh, I forgot to mention we were taking Colin’s parent’s private jet. The clock read nine-thirty and our flight took off at eleven so we decided to pack

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