
My Birthday Experience

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January 20th was one of the greatest days of my life. The following week, I was looking on the internet for concert tickets to my favorite band Twenty-One Pilots. As I scrolled through websites looking for tickets, I stumbled upon a concert in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania for January 28th. On January 29th, we would be leaving for our vacation to Disney world. I texted my mom begging her to let me go to the concert; however, she turned me down. That night I stayed up all night thinking about the concert. Little did I know that my luck was slowly turning around. On January 20th, my family had a little birthday party for me since my real birthday would be during our vacation to Disney World. My whole family came to celebrate my 20th birthday. We ate my favorite food, played games, and spent time with each other. The night was growing old and my family decided it was time to open gifts. I sat on the floor and started reading cards and opening boxes. I got many outfits to wear to Disney, along with some Twenty-One Pilot merchandise. I came down to the last box. I picked the box up and began to open it. Once it was opened, I realized there was another box inside. Then another, the another, and another. My parents were very sneaky like that to put boxes inside smaller boxes. Once I found the last box, I slowly opened it. When I looked inside, I began to cry. Everyone in my family were confused on why I was crying. My parents asked, “What is in the box Becca?” I looked up with tears in

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