
My Career: My Path To My Essal Career

Decent Essays

I have had an interest in the medical field beginning when I was 9 years old. Throughout my life I have met people who inspired me and aided me on my path to discovering my ideal career. I have considered other career options and after a great deal of self-reflection, I have found that a career as a pharmacist satisfies all of my needs. I desire a career that will provide a comfortable lifestyle, a career that will not make me sacrifice a life with my family, and a career that allows me to make a significant difference to those in need. Becoming a pharmacist meets all of those needs. The Indian Health Service’s Scholarship program is the ideal way to fund the path to my ideal career by not only funding school, but also allowing me to work …show more content…

While she was in school, she allowed me to assist her in her studies. I found everything that she studied absolutely fascinating. Upon graduation, my mother worked as a charge nurse at the local DaVita Dialysis Center. I would often volunteer at the dialysis clinic throughout my high school and college career. The patients would often tell me their life stories and would praise my mother because of how much better she made their day. They told me that seeing her in the building was the highlight of their day, because they knew that she would not only make the day more fun, but she would also keep them alive. Because of this, my mother has served as my inspiration for pursuing a career in medicine. It took me quite some time to realize my path. I initially wanted to become a physician. During my undergraduate career, I shadowed many doctors in a variety of specialties. I enjoyed every single experience; they each had qualities that I found very intriguing. However, no matter how much I enjoyed each shadowing experience, each specialty had a significant component missing that I required for my career choice. After careful consideration, I decided to broaden my horizons and explore different

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