
My Childhood Dream Day Of The Zoo

Decent Essays

I was at the front gate of the zoo. This is day marks the first year anniversary that I got hired to do my childhood dream job. Everything about this job is fantastic. I get to take care all the wonderful animals. I get to see all the little kid’s wonder in their eyes when they watch their favorite animals right in front of them. I love it.

“Charlie” my boss Linda waves me over. She looks worried or tired. I can’t tell. “Yes what is it?” I ask her. “Charlie three of the animals escaped from their cages. I don’t know what I’m going to do.” “Well which three is it?” I ask. “The white lion, Frost, the new baby elephant, Phineas, and one of the scarlet macaws, I don’t know which one though.” Linda takes a deep breath. “I’ve decided to team up the zookeepers in teams of three but we are missing the twins.” “So what do we do right now?” I ask. “Go to the break room that’s where everybody else is.” I head to the break room. “Charlie”, my coworkers say in unison. I don’t talk, I just take a seat at the table rubbing my forehead. I’m starting to get a headache due to all this stress that was brought upon my shoulders. About ten minutes later one of my coworkers, Roseanne gets a call from her walkie-talkie from Linda. “Roseanne, can you hear me” “Yes Linda I can” “Great, the twins just arrived so I need everybody out and to circle around me.”

Once we all got in a circle, Linda started to make groups of 3. “So let’s see if there’s 18 of you then there needs to be 6 groups of 3.”

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