
My Childhood Experience

Decent Essays

Everybody has grown up differently. Everybody has different stories, different memories, and different hardships that have shaped who they are as a person. When most people think of their childhood they think of family night board games. They think of running off to the park with their best friends, laughing on swingsets and hopping scotch until they were out of breath. They have memories of vacations, funny stories at family gatherings, or that one time they fell of their bike and their dad carried them home and put on a bandaid and made all the pain go away.
When I think of my childhood, I think of two defining events fairly early on that will stick with me forever. I think of the first time I found out we were finally going to Chuck E. …show more content…

Telling us how much he loved us and that he was just gonna spend the night at his parents house for a while until our mom calmed down. My mom, Paxtin and I took an unexpected trip to Idaho the next day to “visit family”. When we came home, all of my dad's stuff was gone.
In an instant, my life had changed. I have no memory of my mom and dad being together and being happy. Just the terrible things that led up to their divorce. The fact that when I thought back to my childhood and all I could remember were the sad and depressing moments made me turning to photography. As soon as I got my 3rd generation iPod touch for Christmas in 2012, I was obsessed with taking pictures. I would take pictures of anything that i found beauty in. I didn’t care that it wasn’t the best quality or I didn’t know the right angles. I knew I would learn and upgrade and that in the meantime, I would document everything on my shitty iPod camera in hopes to make up for all the lost memories. I would grow to use photography as a tool to cope with a dreadful, fleeting childhood, emotionally hard times I went through, and my biggest fears in life.
In no way am I trying to say I had the worst childhood I possibly could’ve had. Mixed with all the bad was some good. Like flattening out cardboard boxes and sliding down a steep, dry, grass hill because we wanted to go sledding in the middle of July. Or going on

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