
My Clinical Experience Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout my clinical training, I have been exposed time and again to the depth of difference that physicians can make in the lives of their patients. I know that as a physician, I will be expected by my patients to fulfill many roles: that of a healer, a guide, a teacher, and sometimes simply a bastion of emotional support. Being there for whatever my patients need is incredibly important to me, which is why I have worked hard throughout my clinical years to not only be a diligent student but a resource and source of aid for patients. During my experiences with hospice and palliative medicine I was witness to the depths of suffering that many patients experience, especially those with cancer or near the end of their lives. What I also saw was hardworking medical professionals bringing everything they had to bear to relieve suffering, treat disease, and comfort patients, no matter what ailed them. Because of those experiences I am committed to continuing that my trend of being there for my patients for the remainder of my career. …show more content…

As a participant in the Clinical Detectives Club, I attended weekly presentations of case studies from medical journals as a way of expanding my knowledge and honing my history taking and differential building skills. As vice president of the club, I composed my own presentations and helped to teach younger students to refine their own knowledge and skills. As an instructor at Medcamp, a weekend-long camp for high school students, I taught the basics of microbiology and shared what made medicine and clinical work so interesting to me. I hope to continue to teach in some form throughout my career, as a way to pass on both my knowledge and the joy I find in learning about

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