
My College Admissions Essay: My Journey To A Community

Decent Essays

I am the first born of two Hispanic immigrants with little or no formal education. I am surrounded by gunshots and the turbulent stream of violence prevalent in a troubled community, and to make matters worse, I am only seventeen years old. My path towards a four year university is littered with roadblocks and gaping potholes but lucky for me, upon my arrival to the U.S., my parents were able to enroll me in school nestled beside the sea due to its proximity to their work. I didn't take this into consideration throughout my childhood, but as time has passed, I realize how fortunate I am to be attending a school in such a community, one surrounded by wealth and opportunity.

Certain differences are modest, like the amount or quality of equipment one could use during recess to entertain oneself. But other differences, such as the number of AP and Honors courses that are offered, the student to teacher ratio, and the aggregate of local and state funds that are given are rather substantial. Though it was difficult for me to identify with my peers due to various barriers (language, social, economic, ethnic), the fact that I was receiving a better education than the students in my home neighborhood never escaped my mind. …show more content…

These incidents motivated me to challenge myself and prove to the naysayers that by taking numerous advanced courses, and by becoming more engaged in our community, I too can become academically successful. Experiencing these obstacles have not only allowed me to further my education through rigorous courses, but they have also reminded me of how important it is for all students to have an equal opportunity in pursuing a college education, no matter what litter stands in their

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