
My College Experience

Decent Essays

My first semester of college wasn’t quite what I was expected. My classes turned out to not be overly stressful or difficult. I liked all of them, started martial arts again, had my first job, and am ready for the next semester. I was pleasantly surprised that I adjusted relatively easily to the greater independence going to college afforded me and that I think I am relatively well-prepared to continue with my undergraduate years. I’ve learned that I still have issues with managing my time efficiently, I still feel psychology is the right degree for me, and that I have a lot of things I want to study and not as much time as I had believed to study them. I came to college to not only gain the necessary education to better understand what I want to pursue as a career and get the needed degree, but to also experience the college life I’ve been dreaming of for years. Independence, experience as a young adult in a diverse environment, molding myself into the adult I want to become, etc. I also continued my education because I love learning, and I don’t think I’ve had nearly enough of it. None of those feelings have changed, and I don’t think they will in the future either. I’ve always been a dreamer, I love learning, and I literally need a degree to do any kind of job I’m even mildly interested in (except maybe photography, but even then I still need more supplementary education, even if it doesn’t have to be a Bachelor’s). The UofA has actually exceeded my expectations. I

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