
My College Experience

Decent Essays

College is often called the best time of your lives but it is also the first time you are left alone with new experiences. Some of these experiences are good ones you will keep for life and others are one that teach you valuable lessons. These experiences often can either make or break people depending on their level of responsibility and accountability. For most college student’s college is the first time they are on their own away from their parents giving them a new-found sense of freedom. This was the case for me and so far, I would like to consider myself to be taking it very well. This new freedom which I have acquired has been both a blessing and a curse. I love it because I can have a messy room or eat before dinner without out my parents having a snide comment about it. However, I have less people holding me accountable to do things that I should be doing daily. Much like going to class or even cleaning my room it all falls on me now to make sure I am doing the things I was once told to do. I no longer have my parents as my conscious and guide but must solely rely on myself. Another big thing I have gained since leaving is independence. I am on my own and as of right now the only person counting on me is me. I can do what I want really whenever I want. I can skip class or not do my homework and my parents would never know but then again what good would that do for me. I must pay for my own food and gas and essentials to maintain a healthy happy lifestyle. This

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