
My College Experience

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I was born into a culture of wealth. The air I breathe, the water I drink, the food I eat, the shoes I wear, even the smell of my backyard – it all embodies the privilege that my ancestors staked claim to – albeit, largely through happenstance, luck, and the paleness of their skin. It is with acknowledgment of my own affluence, that I participated in an experiment to attempt to live on $5 a day for two days in a row. To be clear, this experiment is simply impossible to accurately conduct while attending and living on campus at a private American university. My parents bought my way into this lifestyle- my total cost of attendance, including tuition and the required room and board, is around $24,000 a semester after “generous” scholarships. My semester is 15 weeks long, so roughly speaking, each day that I exist at Northeastern costs me at least $230, prepaid before I had even arrived on campus. On top of this, I pay $44 a month for a climbing gym membership and $9 a month for Netflix. My parents pay my phone bill (roughly $45 a month), but at least Wi-Fi at Northeastern is free! So, if I chose to do absolutely no activities and buy no off-campus food for a day, I would actually be out closer to $250. The experiment, to the extent to which I could accurately participate in it, was exhausting. Living on $5 a day means monitoring and restricting your every action. Both mornings I found myself absentmindedly wandering into Au Bon Pain before I remembered that this was not in my

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