
My Community College Experience

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My education became my top priority when starting community college. I am first generation student and my parents just expected me to attend college. I did not have much help from my parent in enrolling or the process of entering college. I did not let that stopped me and continued to do my best. During my community college experience, I did not really like school and struggled with math a lot. I took the wrong classes my first year and changed my major two times. I was never connected to my college and never participated in any clubs or organizations. I felt like I was just there for class, I also think it was this way because I was working a full-time job at the same time. I honestly hated school but I knew that education is very important. During this time, I doubted myself a lot because I did not think I could make it through college. After learning about the Validation theory by Laura Rendon which states “nontraditional students (whom Rendom defined as those from diverse racial/ethnic and cultural background) often doubted their academic ability” (Patton et al. 2016 p. 39). I felt connected to this theory right away because I …show more content…

Self-Authorship is defined as “the internal capacity to define one’s belief, identity, and social relations” (Baxter Magolda 2016 p. 365). I was finally making more on my own decisions, having a major chosen now was more important to me than anything else. I started to question why I was going into the field of helping. Finding more about my self-helped me figure out where I wanted to transfer. I took a year off between community college and transferring. During this time, I was trying to figure out on my own, what was going to be my next step. I was trying to find myself and what I wanted to do for me and not because of what friends and family had influenced me. Taking this year off helped me reflect on my journey and my

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