The Bishop was making the Sign of the Cross on my forehand, saying my Confirmation name, and saying the most important part about being confirmed “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit,” and I respond with “Amen.” That day was important for me and for my faith. After the Bishop did the most important part of being Confirmed, I went to go sit back down. As I sat down, I began to realize what had just taken place. I started to remember the beginning of my confirmation process. The process of my confirmation was worth through so much stress and so much learning that now I have become a confirmed Catholic and a Eucharistic Minister. It was 7:15pm Tuesday mid September, when I started my confirmation classes. At the beginning I was the only …show more content…
The dress code said that girls must wear a dress of any color with sleeves, and appropriate for mass. For my dress I decided to wear white because in our baptism, first communion, and wedding we wear white so I felt that it was only appropriate for me to wear white in my confirmation. During the process of looking for a dress I could not find one that I liked, that needed to be white and that had sleeves because mostly all of them were sleeveless. The most (hard) and (difficult time) was looking for the dress that I liked and that was still in dress code. After that difficult time of looking for a dress I ended up buying a dress that was mass appropriate but it was sleeveless, so I bought a scarf to go over my shoulders during mass. Everything came out good with the …show more content…
The day was also stressful because I had so much to do, in a little time period. The first thing on my list was my makeup, I went to get my make-up done by my professional makeup artist I always go too for my makeup. After my makeup was done I did my hair, which my hair came out good, but I only wish I could have brush it out more to make it look more natural. After the stressful morning I could finally get dressed to go to church. The confirmation students needed to be at the church one hour or 45 minute before mass started. When I got to the church, I had to go get my name tag (that had) my confirmation name and my name. When I got my name tag I was waiting for my sponsor to get to the church, turned out she was going to arrive late. I started to get really anxious when I saw that most people sitting in their assigned spots.I ended waiting for about 15-20 minutes for my sponsor to get to the church, lucky she arrived just in time. She arrived just in time for the Bishop to talk to us about this important day for us. After the Bishop talked to the whole confirmation students I started to feel less stress because my confirmation sponsor arrived on time and that I should not be stressed on this important
My preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation has been incredible. There were times when it seemed that I had better things to do instead of
Since early in the morning of that day, it was a complete craziness! Everybody had things to get ready so that it could turn out just the way I wanted it to. After getting my hair and makeup done, we were all rushing to get dressed and head over to church but as always we were running late. There was simply many
The sacrament of Confirmation is the single most important sacrament a young adult Catholic can receive. It is the sacrament where you fully affirm your beliefs and initiate yourself into the Catholic church. It is necessary to have a role model that will help guide you throughout your spiritual life and that person for me is Saint Francis of Assisi. I am inspired by his incredible connection to animals and hope to one day become a veterinarian. I chose him as my Confirmation saint because of who he was before and after God became present in his life.
This night was one of the best nights there ( and not just because I was leading it). This night was the night that people opened up the most, and let there walls down, and let one another see each other's brokenness, that we may be healed by the Lord, keep each accountable, and pray for one another. This was the first time that I knew that I was supposed to go into ministry, although I had thought about it before. Here on this mission trip was also when I knew that I was going to be baptized for the second time. I was baptized once before, I knew that I had realized that I was not completely aware of what I was doing. I told my youth pastor that I wanted to be baptized aging, and he was very happy for me. We got back from our mission trip, and about a month later I was baptized by my youth pastor on July 31, 2016. The only way I could describe how I felt afterward was “complete”. It made with special experience even better, that I was able to share it with all of my church family, that has supported my through my walk with
My family and I got up, got ready, and drove less than a mile down Old Hickory Boulevard to Forest Hills Baptist Church, like we had always done. Except, that day I packed my swimming trunks. On August 5th of 2007, I was baptized by a minister at my church. I was eager to get started. With both of us cloaked in white, the minster and I stepped into the baptism “tub” during the worship service. Colorful rays of light were beaming through the stained glass windows, the water was warm, and my mother was standing beside of me for comfort and reassurance; I was at peace. Out of the opening, I could see the watchful eyes of the choir, worship leader, congregation, and my family; I was at peace. As part of tradition, I was getting ready to be immersed into the water; I was at peace. While in the water, an extraordinary sensation of purification swept through my body. I, for the first time in my eight years of life, had truly felt cleansed from head to toe. This feeling was a direct action of the Holy Spirit entering and presiding in my vulnerable self permanently.
My faith journey at Mary Queen of Peace has made me closer to my classmates, family members, and Jesus Christ who gave his own life for us. In have made two of the sacraments and preparing for the final Sacrament of Initiation, Confirmation. I am excited to be enlightened by the power of jesus like the disciples on Pentecost. After my First Communion I would count which Communion I was at, upsetting my
I went to school that today just like any other and went to zero hour with my brother . Unlike other days today i was very nervous for the whole day because that night i was going to represent the Union FFA chapter . I was going to say my speech about Missouri institute of cooperatives .I was in choir warming up with the buzz of noise around meit was hard to be nervous. I had been nervous all day. I heard the bell ring which meant that i had to find an official ffa jacket and tie in the greenhouse . I went to the greenhouse and found the things I needed and went to the bathroom and changed. I gave my speeches to Mrs.Blair earlier that day and had forgot i had done that. I was going frantic because i thought that i had lost
I feel ready to take on the responsibility of Confirmation. I have been well prepared by my loving and helpful teachers. During the course of seventh grade, I’ve been doing community service. I helped teachers decorate the classroom and helped them get organized for the next day’s lessons. I felt fulfilled helping all those people. I matured and learned what it means to be a true Catholic. I want to receive Confirmation, because I want to fully be in the Catholic community. I want to fully accept and acknowledge my faith and beliefs. I want to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I want to receive fortitude, to have the courage to share my faith with others. I want to receive understanding and counsel, to help relate with people in difficult times.
While my parents worked my sisters and I were packing for our journey that awaits us, then that day finally came my parents came home with plane tickets and said the faithful words they looked my sisters and I directly in the eyes and said its time.
As you probably gotten from our conversations throughout this process I am not the one to write sentimental and sappy letters, I think we’re both similar in that way. But I am going to give it a shot as you read this letter on your Confirmation Spirt Day Retreat. I’ll start off by letting you know that I am proud of you for starting this journey of Confirmation and congratulate you on deciding to embrace your faith.
Choosing to be confirmed is an important part of my life because it means that I am making a public claim to everyone that I have faith in Jesus Christ and His Church. I didn’t always know what it meant to be confirmed or to be Catholic. My parents baptized me Catholic when I was a baby and wanted me to grow up in Catholic faith. I learned through school and church that Confirmation is a big step in growing up. I am thankful to my parents and my church for raising me in the Catholic faith. Confirmation is my chance to tell everyone that I love Jesus and I will live my daily life the way Jesus would want me to. Being confirmed brings me closer to Jesus.
It baffles me how each of my Steubenville conference experiences have been so vastly different. My first was an exhilarating emotional shedding of baggage, anger, depression, and shame. It was that Steubenville conference that formally began my faith journey. The year after was so different. It was absolutely emotionless. I felt total peace. I sat in wonder and felt connection with everyone around me, and a love for the Eucharist, but I didn't cry, and I felt more emboldened than anything else. I prayed for everyone around me, and for strength for myself. It was the Fall after this conference that I began my consecration to Jesus through Mary, with special petitioning to Saint John Paul the great. Saint John Paul the great is my confirmation
We waited a little while to see if others would arrive to the service since it had just been me and my mother present at this service. The instructor explained to us that Monday nights were not as popular as Friday nights. After 15 minutes where no one arrived, the instructor decided to commence the service. Being the only two at the service was quite beneficial because we got one on one attention from the Buddhist instructors, which gave us more time for questions.
As I recall the events following the victory I received, my heart is grateful for a God of grace and mercy. If you had asked me in August of 1989 what the next year of my life would hold, I would have very confidently told you I was a disciple of Jesus Christ. I was never going to be the same. Having experienced God in an awesome way, I knew He was real. However, my misconception was I thought I would never need God's supernatural rescue from sin, torment, or the devil again. I thought I had won! Pride goes before a fall.
After going to this confession, one of my friends told me that as catholic we were to not receive the Eucharist in the state of mortal sin and, at the time, I was very confused not knowing if what he was telling contained truth. To convince me my friend took me to a youth minister and she explained this to me. At this point I started to realize more truth and learned of the difference between mortal and venial sin. Learning of this leaded me to a deeper understanding of truth and guided me to Christ. I learned that what was keeping me from being close to Christ and truly experiencing Him was not utilizing the Sacrament of Confession and renouncing sin. All of this endowed me with a deeper appreciation from the