
My Confirmation Process

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The Bishop was making the Sign of the Cross on my forehand, saying my Confirmation name, and saying the most important part about being confirmed “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit,” and I respond with “Amen.” That day was important for me and for my faith. After the Bishop did the most important part of being Confirmed, I went to go sit back down. As I sat down, I began to realize what had just taken place. I started to remember the beginning of my confirmation process. The process of my confirmation was worth through so much stress and so much learning that now I have become a confirmed Catholic and a Eucharistic Minister. It was 7:15pm Tuesday mid September, when I started my confirmation classes. At the beginning I was the only …show more content…

The dress code said that girls must wear a dress of any color with sleeves, and appropriate for mass. For my dress I decided to wear white because in our baptism, first communion, and wedding we wear white so I felt that it was only appropriate for me to wear white in my confirmation. During the process of looking for a dress I could not find one that I liked, that needed to be white and that had sleeves because mostly all of them were sleeveless. The most (hard) and (difficult time) was looking for the dress that I liked and that was still in dress code. After that difficult time of looking for a dress I ended up buying a dress that was mass appropriate but it was sleeveless, so I bought a scarf to go over my shoulders during mass. Everything came out good with the …show more content…

The day was also stressful because I had so much to do, in a little time period. The first thing on my list was my makeup, I went to get my make-up done by my professional makeup artist I always go too for my makeup. After my makeup was done I did my hair, which my hair came out good, but I only wish I could have brush it out more to make it look more natural. After the stressful morning I could finally get dressed to go to church. The confirmation students needed to be at the church one hour or 45 minute before mass started. When I got to the church, I had to go get my name tag (that had) my confirmation name and my name. When I got my name tag I was waiting for my sponsor to get to the church, turned out she was going to arrive late. I started to get really anxious when I saw that most people sitting in their assigned spots.I ended waiting for about 15-20 minutes for my sponsor to get to the church, lucky she arrived just in time. She arrived just in time for the Bishop to talk to us about this important day for us. After the Bishop talked to the whole confirmation students I started to feel less stress because my confirmation sponsor arrived on time and that I should not be stressed on this important

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