
My Controversy Over Winter Break

Satisfactory Essays

Over winter break I did not do a lot. First of all, Aubri and I were with each other the whole time. In addition, Chirstmas and New Years were super fun. I got a lot of gifts and went over to see my aunt. Finally, I went to the snow; It was my favorite part about winter break. That is what I did over break. I didn't do much, but I had lots of fun. First of all, I was with Aubri the whole time. On Saturday after I got done shooting guns for the science fair Aubri and I went to her grandmas house; we played board games and rode bikes. Then, I went to her house for three days; we built a T.P, played the xbox, and prank called people. We went to my house, and had a water gun fight in my room. The next day we went to cheer party, but it wasn't

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