
My Dad Has An Infectious Smile

Decent Essays

My dad has an infectious smile on his face when reminiscing about his childhood memories and his life as a Pediatrician. At the present time my dad is a successful physician, but life wasn 't always easy for him. He faced many setbacks in his early life that have led him into adulthood. Applying to college was his first difficulty because his family had no money. He was able to go to college and eventually go to Medical school which was very hard for him because it was in a foreign country. In his early years of practicing medicine, he learned that not everyone can be saved. Family, friends and patients motivate him to be the best he can be. He has a clear understanding of how precious and valuable human life can be.
My dad’s goal in …show more content…

He comes of a little bit brash. But after conducting this interview I learned a little bit about why he is the way his. “I have a lot of hidden compassion, which not many people know about. Both my parents raised my sister and me in a loving household. We are very lucky that we grew up the way we did. “My husband is a very driven and intelligent man, he is always motivated to be successful". Education is the paramount importance to him, His family is the foundation for being successful. “My family motivates me to be a better person”. I know my children look up to me and it’s my job to be the best father I can be.”
Queens is unlike any place, my dad describes his early childhood with a bright smile. Queens made me feel like I had a sense of belonging. "Your friends with all the kids on your block, you feel connected to each and every one. He 's says a great thing to have is friends who you have known since you were little so you can share the memories together. One friend in particular, Paul had an impact on his life. They attended the same school together from Kindergarten to College. They were always trying to outdo one another. "We were always motivating one another". In terms of scholastics abilities, it was pivotal in preparing me for college and later on Medical school. “It gave me a good work ethic.” His parents always wanted him to surround himself with positive influences. During the early years of high school my dad wasn 't exactly the model

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