
My Day Essay

Decent Essays

This day was not a regular day, it was crazy and there was no way it could get any crazier, or so I thought. The day started off great I woke by the rosters going crazy.Plus, I woke up to a million text saying Happy New Years. I ate a good meal. After that I played on my phone for a little bit.Once I was done with that my aunt had asked me if I wanted to go to a little town of shops I said yes, because I LOVE to shop.I also went with my big brother and cousin. We bought fireworks from my cousin’s stand. On our way back to my grandma’s house, my aunt's car BROKE DOWN! Plus, it was like 98 degrees outside, we were there for almost an hour. It got hotter and hotter every minute! I know it was close to 100 degrees! I was so bored and hungry and a little bit sleepy.To keep me not so bored I Finally an older cousin of mine came to help.He came with a new tire for the van. We finally got to my grandma’s house, my mom gave me something to eat because I was really hungry. I ate so many plates of food, it was SO GOOD.I had to do some other stuff like pack my suitcase.It was time to go to work which every day I went to work it was a new adventure every day.As I walk to my aunt’s, diner, let me just say it smelled super bad it do not know what it was and I had to put up with that smell, the whole night since I was outside.I got to aunt’s diner before my cousin and she runs the stand.It was a little bit of a good thing and I worst thing.The good thing was I got to set up the

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